There are four important aspects related to the principle of the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). In addition to business development based on local potential and market-oriented in accordance with the MSMEs competence, the development principle of MSMEs is expected to foster self-reliance, unity and entrepreneurialship of MSMEs’ to work with own initiative, as well as the embodiment of transparent, accountable and equitable public policy. "There should also be the competitiveness improvement of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises," said Drs. Sugeng Sanyoto from the Office of Industry Trade Cooperatives and Agricultural of Yogyakarta in the Sidomukti room of MM Guest House recently.
In front of 100 merchants and entrepreneurs who make a living around the campus of UGM, Sugeng Sanyoto states batik is still a leading potential for Small and Medium Industries in the city of Yogyakarta. As many as 108 enterprise units are located in three Districts, these are Mantrijeron, Kraton and Wirobrajan. This is followed by Silver Craft in Kotagede, Leather Handicrafts in Wirobrajan, Metal/Aluminum Casting in Umbulharjo, Bakpia in Ngampilan, Wooden Crafts, Natural Fiber Crafts and Creative Industries. "Small and medium industries in batik are able to absorb 892 workers and for Silver 1162 workers," he explained in the Independent Entrepreneur Training: Efficient Financial Management for Small and Medium Enterprises Units" event.
Therefore, to further develop various SMEs’ flagship product, said Sugeng, various strategies are needed. Among others are to implement a strategy based on regional economic development, flagship commodity and creative economic development. "Moreover, strategies based on the development of infrastructure services also have to be developed," he said.
In the training that was held by UGM’s PPKB Sub-Directorate of Student Affairs Directorate in cooperation with PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), participants’ interest is very high. The enthusiasm was apparent during the question and answer session, many participants asked about their businesses and solutions to improve business. "Through this event I hope small and medium-sized merchants can develop their business to become more advanced and independent in terms of financial management," said Ibnu Wahid Fakhrudin, S.T.P, M.T, lecturer of UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology who also became one of the speakers.