YOGYAKARTA – Governor of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, viewed that the Mesuji case in Lampung and West Sumatera, if truly happened, is the embodiment of civilisation crisis or tragedy. “This means that legal violations cannot be settled through legal mechanism but through actions such as that done by barbaric people,” the Sultan told reporters after receiving the Honoris Causa doctorate in humanitarian from Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) during the ceremony of 62nd Anniversary of UGM at Grha Sabha Pramana, Monday (19/12/2011).
According to Sultan, currently civilisation issues have received less attention from the Government, while, in fact, this may disintegrate the nation. Civilisation disintegration is basically the early step to state disintegration. Meanwhile, a group of men can be defined as a unified nation if bound by civilisation which is based on various spiritual, moral and ideological values. If the civilisation crisis is not dealt with, the state civilisation will deteriorate,” said the Sultan.
In the inaugural speech of his Doctorate (HC), Sultan reinstated that state leaders are requested to rebuild civilisation based on humanity values which is fair and civilised in line with the second principle of the state ideology of Pancasila. To overcome the civilisation crisis, the choice of ‘humanising humans’ by increasing spirituality and awareness on environment is very important so as to become public awareness, which is to produce Indonesian manpower who are excellent. “Development work that strengthens state civilisation should be conducted wholly whilst not excluding the nations’ spiritual aspect,” he added.
Sultan said the new civilisation growing in the development process should become a place for the development of civilisation based on humanitarian values, harmony in diversity. “It’s not civilisation which is globally or locally biased. All has to be of one understanding, which is mutual respect and care, mutual change and adjustment,” Sultan said.
The King of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat had the honoris causa doctoral degree with the promotor, Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., co-promotors Prof. Dr. dr Sutaryo , Sp.A(K) and Prof. Dr. Djoko Suryo. In addition to the granting of honoris causa doctorate, UGM also grants HB IX Award to culturalist and columnist, Goenawan Mohamad.
On the conferment of honoris cause doctorate, Sultan HB X expressed his appreciation. “This is a scientific, also applicative, acknowldgement. The consistency of science and application in society. From me personally, I thank you all, the work I have done is on behalf of the people,” he concluded.