Family and school (formal) environment are still perceived to be the most appropriate channel in the process of Pancasila acculturation. That is the result of research conducted by several UGM researchers at Center for Pancasila Studies, Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Cultural Center, and Center for Information and Communication Technology Services. The researchers are Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirjo, M.A., Drs. Sindung Tjahyadi, M. Hum., Dr. Techn. Khabib Mustofa, Drs. Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, M.Sc., Drs. Hadi Sutarmanto, M.S., and Prof. Dr. Janianton Damanik.
They raised the title of research Acculturation of Pancasila in the Framework of Nation Character Development: Efforts to Establish the Grand Design of Pancasila Acculturation to the Youth in the Era of Information. The research has been conducted in five regions, namely South Sulawesi, Bali, West Sumatra, Yogyakarta and Jakarta. "One of the results was that family and school (formal) environment are still perceived to be the most appropriate channel in the acculturation process," said Chief Researcher, Dr. Daud Aris Tanudirjo, M.A, in the seminar disseminating research results in Multimedia Room, UGM Central Office, Tuesday (20/12).
From the study it also appears that the effectiveness of the use of acculturation methods and media is highly dependent on the communication environment. Therefore, the modern ways of acculturation through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the conventional ways through cultural media have the same potential for success.
From the temporary results of the study, it can be concluded that TV media is one of the most influential media in constructing the public mind, including the younger generation. At least, this has been conducted through the pilot use of TV for Pancasila acculturation, which cooperates with Jogja TV. "Through five interactive dialogue broadcasts, the results are quite positive," Daud added.
Meanwhile, from a study using focus group discussion and questionnaires, it is revealed that the message of Pancasila values is good enough, but the indoctrination methods used are actually counter-productive. In addition, for the material development, a mild way and popular, not too academic packaging is necessary,.
In the same place, Susilowati, teacher of SMA 3 Yogyakarta, said in addition to constraints of various methods of learning, the problems are related with time availabililty and the contents to be delivered. Acculturation of Pancasila as an education value of cannot simply rely on PKN subject teachers. "All educators at the school interacting almost every day with the learners so that the acculturation of Pancasila should be the responsibility of all adults in the institution," said Susilowati.
Acculturation of Pancasila in schools can also be performed in non-academic activities as is often done by SMA 3 Yogyakarta or other schools. They raised the themes of concern for others, love for the country, sense of nationality, etc.
Jogja TV Commissioner, Drs. Oka Kusumayudha, assessed that there are people who think that Pancasila is outdated. Study of Pancasila done so far was as if merely to memorize it, while, in fact, the main and most important thing is to apply Pancasila values. "This is a serious problem, how the points of Pancasila can be fused, ever-present in everyday life," said Oka.
He cited a few small steps that have been done by Jogja TV. All presenters in opening and closing TV programs are required to greet viewers with the words "Salam Indonesia". It is intended to remind the viewers that we are Indonesia.