UGM provides retiree awards to 169 educators who have come to their retirement. The awards were given directly by UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., Tuesday (20/12), at UGM Graha Sabha Pramana (GSP).
On that occasion, the 25 years loyalty award is also handed over to 194 educators. The award presented by the Senior Vice Rector for Education, Research, and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Retno Sunarminingsih, M.Sc., Apt., and the Vice Rector of Alumni and Business Development, Prof. Ir. Atyanto Dharoko, M. Phil., Ph.D.
UGM Director of Human Resources, Harjadi, S.H, M.M, said that the recipients of retiree award consisted of 47 educators and 122 education personnel. Meanwhile, the loyalty award recipients consisted of 89 educators and 107 education personnel. "The provision of retiree and 25 years loyalty awards is as an expression of respect and gratitude to retirees and employees who have devoted themselves in the UGM," he explained.
Prof. dr. Harsono, Sp.S (K) as a representative of retiree award recipients expressed his gratitude. He said retirement is a new enjoyment that gives a number of new opportunities. Retirement is not the end of everything. "That retirement is the starting point for us to do more good deeds. On this occasion, we bid our farewell and apologize if during our service here we have not been able to fulfill the duties and expectations of UGM," he said.
The Rector also expressed his gratitude to retirees and employees who have contributed their effort, time and work for UGM. "UGM can be as advanced as it is now, which cannot be separated from the merits of all of you. We hope the employees and retirees to always support and pray for UGM to be more advanced and able to provide useful contribution to the interests of the community, nation and state," said the Rector.