Poor understanding and internalization of the Pancasila values in the life of nation and state has led the Indonesian community into ideological and identity crisis. As a result, the basics of moral values reflected in the Pancasila had fallen significantly. The issue of nationality and the erosion of the Pancasila values internalization in everyday life have made the people of Indonesia to lose the spirit of nationality. "It seems that currently the Indonesian nation has loss of direction and purpose of Indonesian existence," said Drs. Pitoyo, M.A, Friday (20/1) in amazement.
Speaking on the socialization and acculturation of Pancasila in Yogyakarta, Pitoyo assessed the government and the political elite to be no longer able to provide good examples. We have seen a lot of inconsistent government policies and conflict of interests. "How can people be comfortable and calm when they see the political elite never got along well," he said.
Therefore, the application of Pancasila by example becomes important. Besides, it is necessary to do counseling in schools through stories, songs, stories, descriptions and demonstrations. Together with parents, children are invited to come together to discuss and learn about Pancasila. "Pancasila definition has to be conveyed, Pancasila in the field of labor, religious schools, also employers," he said.
In the socialization and acculturation of Pancasila activity which was held jointly by the UGM Center for Pancasila Studies and the Bekasi City Patriot Circle (PPKB), Pitoyo added that Pancasila is the state foundation, the acculturation of Pancasila can be started from the family, the neighbourhood environment and the surrounding region. So, those that are expected to be cadres of the Pancasila are the children in the village. "When talking about the start of Pancasila, well, Pancasila is the foundation of the state. All policies made by the state must implement the Pancasila," said Pitoyo who is also chairman of PPKB.
Acculturation can also be done through the surrounding of those involved in the labor sector, youth, teens, and employers. They certainly have different understanding, so it is necessary for these to be matched. "Culture is the last defense of the nation. The argument says that a strong culture will eat the weak culture. While our nation has a strong culture but it is gradually intruded on," he said.
Acculturation of Pancasila is certainly facing challenges and obstacles. The government should unanimously be able to face it, because they are responsible for the socialization of Pancasila. Unfortunately, the government itself seems to ignore the ideology of Pancasila. "Even the government seems unwilling to establish the Institution to Strengthen Pancasila, in fact, some of the values have experienced intrusion through the idea of direct democracy, the consumptive idea and others," he concluded.