Grief embraced UGM once again. Retired Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. dr. Soemarno Wignyosumarto, Sp.KJ., Ph.D., passed away on Sunday (12/2) at the age of 73 in the dr. Sardjito Hospital at around 12:30 p.m. The deceased is buried in the Sawitsari cemetery on Monday, February 13th at 12.00, having previously placed in the Hall of UGM to get a memorial from the UGM academic community.
When releasing the deceased, UGM Rector, Prof.Ir. Sudjarwadi, M.Eng., Ph.D., expressed his condolences and sympathy over the passing away of a figure that had given much attention in the handling and treatment of autism. The deceased on August 1, 2003 wrote a speech, Autism: As the Model of Neural Center Disorders, Clinical Symptoms and Therapeutic Governance. In the speech he mentioned that the therapy in autistic children can be done in two ways: behavioral therapy and drug therapy that is given earlier.
The Rector stated that the deceased is a person who has always encouraged education for children with autism that is given together with normal children. This is done so that children with autism are much easier to socialize and able to develop positive skills.
"Hopefully, the contributions, examples and the nobility of the deceased can be passed on to the future generations so that his scientific development can be sustained," The Rector expressed his hope.
Prof. Soemarno completed Bachelor of Medicine in 1967. Subsequently, he achieved a psychiatric license certificate in 1974 and his doctorate from Kobe University in 1992.
Born in Yogyakarta, 11 November 1938, he is survived by his wife, Gendij Sumiyati, and four sons, Hiro Prabantoro, Helena Mariam, Hanry Driyantoro, and Henry Cariyantoro.