YOGYAKARTA – Three candidates for Rector, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Sc. (172 votes), Prof. Dr. Marsudi Triatmodjo, S.H., LL.M. (107 votes), and Prof. Dr. Techn. Danang Parikesit, M.Sc (83 votes), have made it to the final round of rector election. The three of them have gained the most votes at the Joint Plenary Meeting of the Academic Senate and Council of Professors of Universitas Gadjah Mada at the Senate Hall on Monday (19/3). Two other candidates did not make it to the finals, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Djagal Wiseso Marseno, M.Agr. (53 votes) and Prof. Ir. Suryo Hapsoro Tri Utomo, Ph.D. (6 votes).
The Chairman of Ad-Hoc Committee, Dr. Supama, M.Si., told journalists that the three candidates would go to the final selection during the plenary meeting of the Academic Senate on Thrusday (22/3). As many as 23 members of the Board of Trustees will elect 1 to become Rector for term of office between 2012-2017. “Before the voting, Q&A session will be done,” said Supama on Monday (19/3).
Of the total 23 members, Minister for Education and Culture has 35% or 11 of votes while the remaining 22 has one vote. “So, the 65% is distributed for 22 members. The Minister is entitled to give 11 votes,” Supama added.
One Candidate Absent
Chairman of the Academic Senate, Prof. dr. Marsetyawan HNES, M.Sc., Ph.D., said that one candidate, Prof. Ir. Suryo Hapsoro Tri Utomo, Ph.D, was absent. Suryo Hapsoro was not present as he had fallen ill, having a doctor’s note saying that he is ill. “The doctor’s note from Panti Rapih Hospital said that he is ill and has to take a rest for 2 days, 19 and 20 March,” he said. His absence did not disqualify him from being voted for.
The election starts at 11.10 to 14.00. As many as 76 of the total 79 members exercised their right to vote. Of 250 members of the Council of Professors, 194 have exercised their right. The difference is that one member of Academic Senate has 3 votes while the Council only has 1.
Before the voting, the candidates delivered a presentation on their vision and mission and programs. This is followed by Q&A session with Chairman of Board of Trustees, Prof. Dr. Sofian Effendi, M.P.I.A., Chairman of Council of Professors, Prof. Dr. Ir. Widyastuti, M.Sc., Chairman of Academic Senate, Prof. dr. Marsetyawan HNES, M.Sc., Ph.D., and former Rector, Prof. Dr. Ichlasul Amal, M.A.