YOGYAKARTA – Dr. drh. Joko Prastowo was elected Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Science for the term of 2012-2016 after winning over candidate, drh. Teguh Budipitojo, M.P., Ph.D. At an election on Tuesday, (4/9) both were competing for 80 votes, but Joko had more votes, 43, while Teguh 37.
In the presentation of his vision and mission, the man born in Nganjuk East Java 47 years ago said that in the 4 years of becoming Dean, he would try to increase the number of the publication of national and international journals, the number of villages that get coaching and researches that impact community welfare.
Meanwhile, at the Faculty of Agriculture, dean election went up to two rounds. In the first round, of all candidates Prof. Dr. Ir. Achmadi Priyatmojo, M.Sc., Dr. Jamhari, SP., MP., Dr. Ir. Taryono, M.Sc., and Prof. Ir. Tri Wibowo Yuwono, M.A, only Jamhari and Taryono were able to pass through to the second round. In the second round, Jamhari was able to get 62 votes while Taryono 48.Thus, Jamhari was named the new Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, replacing Prof. Ir. Tri Wibowo Yuwono, M.A,. At 39, Jamhari is also one of the youngest deans at UGM.
In the same day, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Agricultural Technology also held dean elections. At the Faculty of Dentistry, drg. Erwan Sugiatno, M.S., Sp. Pros (K)., Ph.D., was named designated dean with 55 votes of all 92, beating Dr. drg. Julita Hendratini, M. Kes., 35 votes, and drg. Supriatno, M.Kes., MDSc., Ph.D., 1 vote. One vote was disqualified At the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Subagus Wahyuono, M.Sc., Apt was elected dean, replacing Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Marchaban, DESS., Apt, who had held the position for two terms. Subagus obtained 38 of the total 67 votes. The remaining 28 was contested by prof. dr. Edy Meiyanto, M.Si., Apt (18 votes) and Dr. Akhmad Kharis Nugroho (10). Another vote was disqualified. At the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, lecturer Dr. Ir. Lilik Sutiarso, M.Eng had the upper hand of Dr. Ir. Wahyu Supartono. Lilik grabbed the majority of votes, 57, whilst Wahyu 13.