YOGYAKARTA-Deputy Minister of Health, Prof. dr. Ali Ghufron Mukti, M.Sc, PhD, encourages the youth and Indonesian students to participate in the national development through health sector. This step could be taken through, among others, a variety of movements engaging the youth as nutrition-conscious movement, the anti-drug and healthy sports movement.
"Youth’s role is pivotal in changing the nation and this can be done through the health sector," Ali Ghufron said as a keynote speaker at the Nusantara Youth Congress, Reflections and Youth Action’s Strategies for Building the Glory of Indonesia, at Grha Sabha Pramana (GSP) UGM, Saturday ( 27/10).
Ali Ghufron added the youth’s movement in health cannot be separated from the history of national struggle. He cited names like dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, dr. Sutomo and Prof. dr. Sardjito, physicians who pioneered youth movement at that time.
"Dr. Sardjito, for example, studied in the morning and went to Independence movement through guerrilla at night," he added.
Ali Ghufron admitted the national issues faced by Indonesian youth today are more complex. He pointed out that the rampant drug trafficking and Information Technology misuse still involve the youth.
Therefore, Ali Ghufron hoped Indonesian youth and students as agents of change are capable to make actions positively for the progress of the nation. With courage, ideals and collective intelligence, he believed that Indonesian young men will be able to bring change and reform to a better direction.
"Indonesia needs the role and critical thinking of the youth. Going forward, we also hope there will be the young generation who will perform as the leader of the nation," the Deputy Minister expressed his hope.
Governor of the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sri Sultan HB X, through the Assistant to Head of Government and Social Welfare Affairs, Drs. Sulistyo, SH.CN.MSi, reaffirmed the meaning of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (Unity in Diversity) which is essential for the unity of Indonesia. According to Sultan, Yogyakarta through its strong culture and strengthened by the Specialty Act can be used as an example of the unity in diversity.
"Cultural values in Yogyakarta are relatively more protected from the onslaught of the culture from the outside. Additionally, the Palace is able to play an active role as the bastion to preserving Javanese culture inherited from the era of the Islamic Mataram," Sultan said.
Previously, UGM Rector, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc, said the Youth Pledge, October 28, 1928, cannot be separated from Yogyakarta since the Youth Congress leader at that time was Sugondo Djojopuspito who was from Yogyakarta. Unfortunately, up to now Sugondo Djojopuspito is not very well known and has not been included as one of the national heroes.
"In fact, he deserves to be a national hero. That is an example of Yogyakarta which does not want to come under the spotlight," Pratikno said.
The Rector asserted the Nusantara Youth Congress is one of UGM’s commitment along with other State and Private Universities in Yogyakarta to strengthen the commitment and spirit of the Indonesian youth in 1928. Yogyakarta, Pratikno said, university should be an example of the unity and the growth of democracy led by the youth.
The workshop following the Nusantara Youth Congress presented speakers, such as KH. Muhammad Jazir, ASP (culturalist), M. Najib, Ph.D. (Director of Youth Studies Centre Faculty of Social & Political Sciences UGM) and Dr. Pujo Semedi Hargo Yuwono, M.A (Dean of Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM).