YOGYAKARTA – Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Pratikno, M.Soc.Sc., proposed the incorporation of the Research and Technology Ministry with the Higher Learning Directorate (Dirjen DIKTI) under one ministry after Elections 2014 to enhance research management from research and higher learning institutions. This will be able to produce good quality research and save management costs.
“There is a sort of higher learning, research, and technology ministry while the Education and Culture Ministry deals with elementary and secondary education,” said Pratikno after a workshop entitled the 6th Research and Community Service Management in Higher Learning in Eastparc Hotel on Thursday (7/11).
Pratikno added up to now research fund management is done in several ministries, such as Research and Technology Ministry, Trade Ministry, Education and Culture Ministry, State Enterprises Ministry as well as Finance Ministry. It would be more optimally managed if under one ministry. “Now, research funding is allocated everywhere, making it not optimal while the operational cost is high,” he revealed.
Synergy of research funding management is expected to support national industry demands. It is not a problem if the budget is still under 1% currently, according to Pratikno, this should not matter for world class research development. Government, therefore, should focus on national research products of excellence so that researches adopted by industry can be marketed internationally and domestically.
Expert staff to Research Minister, Ichwan Suhadi, said fund allocation is 0.08 percent of the State Budget or Rp20 trillions per year. This is not adequate to support better research. “In developing countries, the fund is 3.5% of the GDP for science and technology development,” he said.
Vice-Rector for Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Suratman, M,.Sc, announced that research findings of UGM are to support national industry, applied for community service activities. “Researchers are to diagnose a problem and give treatment which is scientifically publicised later,” he said.