Several students of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM joining the Cactus team have earned an award in the Krannert Human Resource Case Competition and Excecutive Conference 2013 that last from 7-8 November 2013 at Purdue University, U.S. A. They are granted The Most Innovative Presentation title.
The students are Cisya Cinantya, Dikanaya Tarahita, Tara Mahdiani Firdaus (Management) and Irwanto Dwi Maha Purna (Accounting).
Dikanaya said the Karnert Human Resource Case Competition and Excecutive Conference 2013 is an annual competition hosted by Purdue University. The UGM team went to the finals along with seven universities in the U.S and Mexico, including Texas University, Illinois University, University of Pittsburgh, Universidad Panamericana, Columbia University, and University of Minnesota.
“Each team is given a case to be resolved on human resource issues that affect Cessna company,” said Dikanaya on Monday (25/11) at UGM.
In the presentation the Cactus team offered a solution to the case by establishing cooperation with five U.S. universities. In the medium term, they offered to make Cessna future leader program and in the long run they proposed the Cessna Teaching Industry.
“We did not win the competition, but we were elected the team with the most innovative presentation that is interactive. The winning teams are Illinois University and Texas University,” she said.