YOGYAKARTA – International Relations students in Graduate program in cooperation with UGM Centre for World Trade Centre hosts the first WTO meeting simulation in Indonesia. The event with the theme Promoting Fair Trade To Achieve Sustainable Development Through Doha Round Agenda lasting from 6 – 8 December is joined by several universities such as UI and UGM. The format of event is Trade Negotiation Committee (TNC), divided into 2 comittees, i.e. Committee on Trade and Environment and Committee on Agriculture.
Event chairman, M. Reza S.Zaki, said the simulation is the learning media for students to know more about policy diplomacy in the form of WTO meeting. Each delegate is encouraged to issue a draft policy proposal on issues discussed in each committee. “Through this event Indonesian universities would be able to generate young diplomats in trade that can represent Indonesia in multilateral trade system,” said Zaki in a release sent out on Thursday (12/12).
Three awards are given to three delegates. In Committee on Trade & Environment, Best Position Paper goes to Adhimas Putrastyo Hutomo from Universitas Indonesia. Best Speaker goes to Dodi Iswandi from UGM and Best Delegate to Adrian Ishak, also from UGM.
Meanwhile, in Committee on Agriculture, Best Position Paper goes to Prista Yurinda, UGM. Best Speaker: Rio Nurhasdy (UGM), and Best Delegate: Fajar Adhiprabawa (UGM).
A national seminar is also held, presenting WTO Chairs from National University of Singapore, James Losari SH, LLM, and Head of WTO of UGM, Drs.Riza Noer Arfani MA. James Losari described how negotiation practices run at KTM IX WTO in Bali from 3-7 December 2013. Meanwhile, Drs.Riza Noer Arfani MA, elaborates on the results of the “Bali Package” in the perspective of Indonesian interest after the Doha Round in Bali.