YOGYAKARTA – Nine universities followed the International Geomapping Competition (IGC) 2013, held by the Association of Geology Students of UGM. The event last from 3 – 12 December in Rembang and Blora, Central Java.The universities include Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Universitas Trisakti, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Padjajaran, UPN “Veteran”, Universitas Diponegoro, STTNAS, and Chulalongkorn University from Thailand.
Committee chairman of IGC, Rivdhal Saputra, said the competition aimed at motivating the geologist candidates to get more skillful in geomapping.
Geomapping is an initial investigation in works related to natural resources exploration such as mining, civil engineering as well as oil and gas industry.
Furthermore, Rivdhal explained, geomapping is the main key to know the regional potential for hydrocarbon accumulation. “The geomap can give information on surface geology data that can direct a certain oil company to examine the site, thus they can make plans for under surface data investigation,” he said on Tuesday (10/12).
The annual competition invites geology students from Asia Pacific region to consolidate friendship. Said Rivdhal, “Apart from the Thailand students, there should have been delegates from the Philippines, but due to the disaster happening there recently, they cancelled it,” he said.
The nine participants will compete in a comprehensive geology map, using potential integration in petroleum on mapping area. The winners of the competition will be announced on 12 December during the International Geoscience Seminar 2013.