Batik enthusiasts now have more choices in their favourite cloths. The Kumahargyan Batik has uniqe motive and attractive colours.
The creation of students of doctor’s education at Faculty of Medicine is different from most contemporary batik motifs. The motif of this particular batik is the histology of living beings. The real structure can only be seen through a microscope.
The students are Amalia Rani Setyawati, Suci Ardini Widyaningsih, Nisa Karima, Nurulita Ainun Alma, and Hilda Dwi Mahardiani. The batik has made them entitled for a grant from the Higher Learning Directore in the Student Creativity Programme 2013 in Entrepreneurship category.
“We chose the histology of living beings as there is no one using it yet as a batik motif. The histology has good shapes which is good for batik motifs,” said Nisa in a press conference on Friday (27/6) in the Faculty UGM.
The idea stemmed from the early times when their lecturer was explaining histology to them. He explained the glomerulus renal structure which is beautiful in shape. He said this structure would be good to be made into a batik motif. From then on, they started this batik creation.
Currently, the Kumahragyan Batik is made into two motifs, musculoskeletal and fertilisation-implantation motifs which come in different colours. The musculoskeletal describes the moves of the muscles, cells and bones while the fertilisation-implantation reflect the process of fertilisation and implantation of foetus.
Hilda said the Kumahargyan Batik is produced in limited numbers for each colour. Buyers may order online or on Facebook account of Kumahargyan Batik or Twitter account @kumahargyan. The musculoskeletal is sold at Rp145,000 per 2 meters while the fertilisation-implantation motif of Rp165,000,- per 2 meters.
Kumahargyan Batik also serves as an education media for the society to know more of human histology.
“In each box of motif we give more information on the histology pattern and other health information to help give health education to people.