PT Sinergi Gula Nusantara held a Focus Group Discussion on “Smallholder Sugarcane Management as an Effort to Strengthen Raw Material Supply Towards National Sugar Self-Sufficiency in 2028.”
The UGM Faculty of Agriculture (Agriculture UGM) hosted the event involving PT LPP Agro Nusantara and PT Perkebunan Nusantara (III) Holding.
Professor Subejo, specializing in agricultural extension and communication, moderated the discussion, addressing non-technical aspects of smallholder sugarcane management, such as strengthening smallholder sugarcane farmer institutions and sugar factory organizations.
He stated that Agriculture UGM’s proactive participation in this issue aims to support the commitment to advancing smallholder sugarcane plantations to achieve sugar self-sufficiency.
The second moderator, Professor Irham, a professor of agricultural economics, explored various technical aspects regarding strategies for developing and strengthening sugarcane cooperatives.
The FGD, held in the Professor Harjono Danoesastro Auditorium on Tuesday, Jul. 2, 2024, began with presentations from three keynote speakers.
The speakers are Dr. Mohammad Abdul Ghani, President Director of PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero); Andi Nur Alamsyah, Director General of Plantations at the Ministry of Agriculture; and Faturohman, Assistant Deputy for Plantation and Forestry Industries at the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises.
Dr. Mohammad Abdul Ghani discussed the roadmap for supporting sugar self-sufficiency through empowering sugarcane farmers during the discussion.
He outlined five strategies for strengthening smallholder sugarcane: accelerating ratoon removal, strengthening sugarcane farmer organizations, enhancing the Makmur program, organizing varieties, and establishing fair Purchase Reference Prices (HAP).
“One of the fundamental problems in the sugar industry in Indonesia is our neglect of farmers’ interests. Therefore, we at Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) have developed a roadmap towards national sugar self-sufficiency by 2028 based on empowering sugarcane farmers,” Dr. Ghani explained.
Andi Nur Alamsyah emphasized that the most important aspect of the policy on smallholder sugarcane development is collaboration in developing sugarcane plantations by evaluating and reformulating relevant policies.
Faturohman explained that the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), through the PTPN Group, have implemented operational excellence and downstream activities to support food security by improving the operational performance of the sugarcane commodity.
Dean of Agriculture UGM, Dr. Jaka Widada, stated this FGD, which gathered stakeholders at all levels, aimed to align perceptions to advance the sugar industry in Indonesia.
He emphasized Agriculture UGM’s commitment to supporting the government and BUMN by establishing the Sugar Cane Learning Center.
“We are grateful for the trust placed in Agriculture UGM as the host of this FGD. I see this as a great opportunity to unify our understanding of sugar development in Indonesia and achieve self-sufficiency,” Dean Widada said.
Author: Hanita Athasari Zain
Editor: Desi Utami
Photo: Agriculture UGM
Post-editor: Lintang