Graduation is a highly anticipated moment for both students and parents.
Watching the rector or deans hand over the diploma while wearing a graduation gown is one of the most historic and unforgettable days.
However, the graduation ceremony is also a time for reflection on one’s academic journey and a starting point for contributing to the nation’s development.
Rivan Achmad Purwantoro, Director of Jasa Raharja and Deputy General Treasurer of Kagama, made this statement during his speech on Thursday (Nov. 21) at Grha Sabha Pramana, the second day of the undergraduate and applied undergraduate graduation ceremony.
An alumnus of UGM’s Faculty of Philosophy, Purwantoro conveyed a message on behalf of Kagama’s Central Board that 2,049 new UGM graduates have officially joined UGM’s extended alumni family.
He stated that Kagama is a home that unites and brings joy to UGM alumni.
“As alumni, you are expected to uphold the good name of your alma mater, foster harmonious relationships across faculties, and contribute to Indonesia,” he remarked.
Purwantoro then emphasized three core values held by Kagama members: togetherness (guyub), harmony (rukun), and usefulness (migunani).
He hopes the graduates will make their best contributions to the nation by following UGM’s values. Although future challenges may seem daunting, gratitude and togetherness will become a source of strength for the graduates.
“You are entering a new struggle, but remember to be grateful. Enjoy today’s graduation ceremony and create positive memories. You will always remember this journey when you later face difficulties,” the director said.
In her speech, UGM Rector Professor Ova Emilia greatly appreciated the graduates’ academic achievements. She reminded them that their degree is not the end but the beginning of making meaningful contributions to society.
The rector stated that universities have a strategic role in producing human resources with excellence, integrity, and morality. Thus, graduates are expected to be creative, innovative, and competitive individuals when facing global challenges.
“Use the knowledge you have gained to contribute to the nation’s sustainable development, in line with Pancasila’s ideals and Indonesia’s vision,” said the rector.
Hanani Safira Zildan, a UGM Faculty of Forestry graduate, delivered remarks on behalf of the graduates. She reflected on the academic journey, filled with challenges yet providing valuable lessons.
Coming from diverse backgrounds and with different values, Zildan noted that they learned to endure difficulties, appreciate differences, and contribute to society through the KKN-PPM program.
“All of this has shaped us into stronger, more integrity-driven, and wiser individuals,” she stated.
She also emphasized that this achievement would not have been possible without the support of family, teachers, and the entire UGM academic community.
“The gown we wear symbolizes struggle and sacrifice. We are ready to face the next challenge with confidence. No effort is ever betrayed by its result,” said Zildan.
This graduation ceremony reminds us that UGM’s role does not stop at educating; it also ensures that its graduates become agents of change.
With the integrity and competence they have honed, graduates are expected to face global challenges and make meaningful contributions to the nation.
“I pray that all UGM graduates who are being celebrated today become individuals with excellent character, integrity, and competitiveness,” the rector concluded with high hopes.
Author: Lintang
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Afifudin Baliya
Photographer: Firsto