Around 400 members of the Christian Family of Universitas Gadjah Mada (Kakrisgama) participated in the Christmas Celebration held at Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM Campus, on Thursday (Jan. 9).
The celebration began with a service led by Pastor Nugraheni Siwi Rumanti and Father Agustinus Daryanto SJ. Attending the event were the Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching, Professor Wening Udasmoro; the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Community Service, and Alumni, Dr. Arie Sujito; the Chair of Korpagama, Professor Akhmadi Priyatmojo; and the Chair of Kakrisgama, Professor Sebastian Margino.
In her speech, Professor Udasmoro, representing the rector, emphasized the importance of joy and happiness as the most fundamental aspects of human achievement.
According to her, everyone should be grateful for what they have achieved amidst the difficult situations occurring in other parts of the world.
“In Indonesia, the land where we were born and live, there are still many issues of inequality, powerlessness, and various challenges we face as citizens. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world, issues of peace, violence, and exploitation have become part of everyday life,” she stated.
Professor Udasmoro said that as members of UGM, we need to rejoice and bring inspiration and solutions to humanitarian issues, both within the nation and globally. Everyone must contribute their work and dedication, not only for personal happiness but also to benefit others.
She expressed optimism, stating that members of UGM are endowed with an ecosystem that enables them to become empowered agents who can contribute to the nation and country.
“We are members of UGM who are full of love, which brings us to the spirit of supporting one another. The strength of UGM members is its extraordinary social capital,” she said.
The Head of the Strategic Management Bureau, Dr. Wirastuti Widyatmanti, who served as the Chair of the Christmas Committee, stated that this year’s Kakrisgama Christmas Celebration carried the theme God Gives Strength to His People. The Lord Blesses His People with Peace.
“We hope this theme will not only resonate during our Christmas celebration but that we will also reflect on it and take it outside to be a blessing to others,” she stated.
Meanwhile, in her reflection and prayer, Pastor Nugraheni Siwi Rumanti expressed her hope that Kakrisgama members could serve as a candle amid a troubled world. She hoped that the remaining light of the candle would bring hope for the warming glow of light.
“With this light, we are reminded that You are the Light who comes to us, helping us say that we are not alone,” she explained.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Post-editor: Afifudin Baliya
Photographer: Donnie