The slaughtering of sacrificial animals, whether in mosques or other places, still often fails to meet the required standards in terms of religious guidelines, hygiene, sanitation, and animal welfare. Therefore, standardizing butchers remains an ongoing challenge, particularly for those handling sacrificial animals.
Recognizing this issue, JULEHA Yogyakarta, in collaboration with the UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM), organized Halal Butcher Training (JULEHA).
The Head of JULEHA Training at Animal Science UGM, Dr. Cuk Tri Noviandi, stated that the training was conducted to prepare halal butchers according to the ten competencies set by the government based on SKKNI No 147 of 2022.
“We still encounter cases of slaughtering not meeting the required standards,” explained Dr. Noviandi on Monday (May 27).
He added that the training was conducted in four batches: May 19, May 26, June 1, and June 9. 40 participants attended the first batch, while the second had 31 participants. They came from various backgrounds, such as mosque administrators, butchers, slaughterhouse owners, lecturers, and students.
“In this training, participants received knowledge about the 10 JULEHA competencies, practice in tool preparation (blade sharpening), and slaughtering exercises”,” added Dr. Noviandi, who is also the Chair of JULEHA Yogyakarta.
The participants were enthusiastic about the training, especially during the practical slaughtering sessions. Throughout the JULEHA training, participants received standard SKKNI slaughtering knives, leather knife sheaths, sharpening steel (honing), cut-resistant gloves, JULEHA polo shirts, seminar kits, and training certificates.
Author: Animal Science UGM/Satria
Photo: Committee