The UGM Faculty of Agriculture Fisheries Department organized a Social Service to celebrate its 60th anniversary in Demen, Sriharjo Village, Imogiri, Bantul Regency, on Sunday (30/7).
Chair of the department’s 60th anniversary, Dr. Eko Setyobudi, stated that this activity is part of anniversary celebration events and was conducted in collaboration with village officials and the Budi Santoso Youth Group (MBS).
The head of Sriharjo Village, the head of Dukuh Jati, the neighborhood chairs in Demen, the head of the MBS youth group, local figures, and community members attended the Sunday event.
“The Social Service activities included the distribution of basic food packages to less fortunate members of the community, a low-cost market offering items such as cooking oil, sugar, instant noodles, and hygiene kits, and a coloring contest for children aged from early childhood education to elementary school,” he explained.
Dr. Setyobudi mentioned that the coloring contest theme was aquatic environments, aiming to encourage children to participate in preserving the environment, mainly marine ecosystems.
The contest participants and attending children were provided with meals made from processed fish, including tuna salad produced by the Fishery Business Incubator (IMB) of the UGM Fisheries Department and catfish dim sum made by the local community to promote fish consumption.
Participants were also given ornamental fish packages to foster a greater love for fisheries and marine resources.
Titik Istiyawatun Khasanah, the head of Sriharjo Village, welcomed the event and expressed hope that the UGM Fisheries Department could continue to support community empowerment efforts in Sriharjo, particularly concerning fisheries sector development.
She explained that a fish farming program would be implemented this year and expressed great hope that the UGM Fisheries Department could contribute more to the community.
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Dr. Siti Ari Budhiyanti, welcomed the proposal and announced plans for community engagement, particularly in fish processing diversification and marketing activities.
The event concluded with an announcement and distribution of prizes for the children’s painting contest winners.
At the end of the event, Dr. Senny Helmiati, coordinator of the Social Service, expressed gratitude to all the community members and youth who had put forth maximum effort and participated in organizing this social service.
Author: Ika