To enhance business development among young entrepreneurs, the UGM Directorate of Community Service organized an MSME seminar with the theme “Planning Enhancement to Become Resilient Entrepreneurs,” attended by 35 selected participants.
Amin Susiatmojo, Head of the Subdirectorate of Community Empowerment, stated that the training was a follow-up and part of the MSME series agenda to prepare young entrepreneurs for business development planning.
The seminar is evidence of UGM’s commitment to contribute to delivering the Golden Indonesia 2045.
“We all hope that from this seminar, participants can acquire knowledge and broaden their insights,” Susiatmojo said on Tuesday, November 28.
The seminar featured speakers like Adrian Leo Hadipradata, CEO of Berlima Digital Yogyakarta, who delivered a presentation on “How to Plan and Start a Sustainable Business.”
Setyo Adi Pranowo, Head of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) UGM Branch Office, discussed “Business Development Planning Towards Go Export.”
Paramita Rika Sari, CITF CDCS, product specialist at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Wholesale Product & Partnership Division addressed issues related to “Enhancing and Developing the Potential of MSMEs Towards Go Productive, Go Digital, & Go Global.”
As the first speaker, Setyo Pranowo emphasized the importance of MSMEs’ role and the challenges new entrepreneurs face in the Indonesian economy. According to him, for a business to continue and grow, it is essential to create good planning and pay attention to the competition of similar products.
“It is equally important to pay attention to market access, capital access, licensing requirements, digitization, as well as financial and transaction solutions,” he explained.
As the second speaker, Paramita Rika Sari offered insights for MSMEs interested in going global. BNI provides services for MSMEs to export through the one-stop solution hub program called BNI Xpora.
“Xpora, an acronym for Export and Diaspora, is a one-stop shopping solution to enhance the potential of Indonesian MSMEs to develop their businesses and become a service center for Indonesian diaspora abroad,” she said.
Through the Xpora program, BNI is committed to contributing to the national economy through MSME development, focusing on three strategies: MSME exports & diaspora, digital value chain, and leading ecosystems.
Regarding planning and starting a sustainable business, Adrian Leo Hadipranata stated that digital marketing is one of the efforts undertaken to convince consumers to be interested in well-marketed products.
“Through digital marketing, the advantages of our products can be understood,” he explained.
In this session, he shared tips and tricks for building a brand and creating a vision and mission for developing a sustainable business.
Author: Agung Nugroho