A team of UGM Community Service Program (KKN-PPM) students and dozens of farmers planted 440 Gama Umami grass seedlings in Katonan Hamlet, Keditan Village, Magelang Regency, Central Java Province.
This program aims to help farmers in Keditan Village supply their livestock feed by providing high-quality forage.
Naufal Rifqi Permana, the coordinator of the UGM Semarak Ngablak team, explained that Gama Umami grass was chosen for its high nutritional value, ease of cultivation, and compatibility with the area’s soil and climate conditions.
“These advantages make Gama Umami grass the ideal choice for forage crops for the local community,” said Permana on Monday (Aug. 19).
Permana shared that the seedlings were planted on land provided by a local farmer in Katonan Hamlet. The UGM Semarak Ngablak team offered seedlings for planting and conducted outreach to educate farmers about Gama Umami grass, its maintenance, and land management practices for growing livestock feed.
“This initiative aims to foster collaborative learning between the farmers and the students, encouraging an exchange of knowledge between the theoretical insights gained from coursework and the practical experiences of the farmers,” he noted.
Dr. Viagian Pastawan, the field supervisor for Semarak Ngablak, stated that this program is part of the UGM Semarak Ngablak team’s efforts to support efficient livestock farming and maximize the potential of available land.
“We hope that by planting Gama Umami grass, farmers will have easier access to quality forage for their livestock and can utilize their land to enhance efficiency,” said Dr. Pastawan.
Students and the community collaborating to plant Gama Umami grass seedlings are expected to benefit farmers by providing high-quality forage for livestock.
“This program is hoped to be a starting point in promoting the independence and welfare of the Keditan Village community, especially for the farmers,” he concluded.
Report by: Animal Science/Satria
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Afif