Fourteen out of eighteen districts in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, are experiencing a clean water crisis and drought due to the prolonged dry season.
To alleviate the burden of residents living in the famously arid hilly areas, a community of lecturers and non-teaching staff at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) delivered clean water assistance to four villages in three districts in Gunungkidul Regency on Thursday (September 28).
The three sub-districts are Panggang, Saptosari, and Rongkop.
Team leader Sudarmana said this social service activity aims to ease the burden on the people of Gunungkidul, who are having difficulty accessing clean water.
Sudarmana, commonly called Momon, said they distributed 93 tanks of clean water, which would be distributed gradually to four villages: Giriharjo, Girisuko, Giripuro, and Girisubo.
“We estimate that around 120 households will benefit from this clean water assistance distribution,” said Momon on Friday (September 29).
According to Momon, the distribution of clean water started on September 29 and will continue until October 8.
“We are carrying it out gradually and in turns,” he said.
Momon hopes through this humanitarian action, they can reduce the burden on the people of Gunungkidul, who are facing a clean water crisis. During the dry season, people still need water assistance.
“During this time, many residents rely on regular water tanks to collect rainwater. During the dry season, these tanks are empty,” he explained.
Sadu, Head of Baros Lor Hamlet in Saptosari District, expressed appreciation and gratitude for the clean water assistance provided by UGM.
“On behalf of the Baros Lor Hamlet, I thank you for your assistance. Hopefully, it will become a field of charity for you all. This assistance is precious and beneficial for our residents,” he said.
Wasinem (60), a Baros Lor resident, expressed deep gratitude for the clean water assistance. According to her, one clean water tank can be used for 3-4 families and last for two months.
“I am delighted and express my sincere thanks because all of you have helped me,” said the mother of two.
Jack Haryanto, a UGM clean water community member, said this assistance will be carried out regularly since the dry season continues until November.
“We also invite the broader community to care and help residents in Gunungkidul,” Haryanto said.
Author: Gusti Grehenson