A community of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students who are recipients of the Salemba Empat scholarship participated in empowering disability groups by managing a waste bank in Temon Wetan Village, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Through this Waste Bank management, 10% of the profits from waste sales are donated to assist people with disabilities and underprivileged communities.
“The existence of this waste bank is expected to provide job opportunities and income for disability groups, increase their self-confidence, and help them become active members of society,” said Syafitri Rahmadhini, a student from the UGM Faculty of Engineering (FT UGM) and a member of the Karya Salemba Empat community, on Tuesday (Jun 11).
According to Rahmadhini, the students actively promoted waste bank activities to the surrounding residents, conducted a campaign about using coconut waste with significant potential in the area, and developed various other waste processing innovations.
“We also provide education for the community regarding waste management and access to dispose of waste responsibly,” she explained.
The waste bank, named Sinergi Berdaya, is more than just a place to collect and sort waste. It also serves as a platform for disability groups to socialize, learn new skills, and earn income.
“The Sinergi Berdaya Waste Bank provides multiple benefits to various parties, such as proper waste management, reducing pollution, and preserving the environment,” she elaborated.
Thanks to the perseverance and enthusiasm of its founders, Rahmadhini said, the Sinergi Berdaya Waste Bank has rapidly developed and received full support from various parties, including funding from the local village, carts, and VR three-wheeled vehicles from the Environmental Service (DLH), and the enthusiasm of the surrounding community for its presence.
The hope is that the Sinergi Berdaya Waste Bank will not only be a platform for people with disabilities to earn additional income but also serve as an educational and promotional medium for environmentally friendly waste management.
Author: Dita
Editor: Gusti Grehenson