The Undergraduate Programme in Mathematics at Universitas Gadjah Mada (in short: UP-Math) was officially established based on the letter of decision of Ministry of Education and Culture Republic Indonesia No. 53759/Kab, 19 September 1955, as the first programme at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (in short: FMNS). The UP-Math is in the coordination of the Department of Mathematics. In running the programme, the UP-Math has formulated the programme objectives, the Expected Learning Outcomes (the ELOs), the curriculum, and the method of assessment to evaluate the achievement of the ELOs. The formulation has referred to Regulation of Ministry of Education and Cultures Republic of Indonesia no. 44/2015 on Higher Education National Standard, the recommendation by CUPM, IndoMS, the SIAM Report on Mathematics in Industry 2012, Decree of the Ministry of National Education No. 232/U/2000 and 045/U/2002, the suggestions given by alumni and stakeholders, the benchmarking results from some undergraduate programmes in mathematics universities abroad and some undergraduate programmes of Indonesian universities, national accreditation of higher education (BAN PT) document, AUN document, and ASIIN (Accreditation Board in Europe) document.

Graduate Competencies

This study program produces bachelors of mathematics who excel in mathematical theory and are able to apply them to problems related to differential equations and optimization. In addition, our graduates have been educated to be adaptive, are able to continue their studies in mathematics and other related fields, to keep up with the development of science and technology, literate in IT, skilled in mathematical computing, and have a sense of responsibility, confidence, emotional maturity, ethics and personality as lifelong learners.

Our graduates have strong logical thinking skills and adaptive abilities. Their mathematical skills are complemented by mathematical modeling abilities and basic Information Technology.

Our students learn the ethics and citizenship, the foundation of knowledge for the development of mathematics, basic applications in other fields, and solutions to real problems. They also learn skills in the field of information technology.

The strengthening of logic begins in the first semester and develops gradually in the following semesters. Our students consistently improve their mathematical abilities that enable them to find mathematical solutions (algebra, analysis, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, statistics, and actuarial mathematics) and their applications (modeling, differential equations, bio mathematics, optimization, financial, and actuarial mathematics), accompanied by an increase in understanding of Information Technology (Programming, Numerical, and Computing). The teaching-learning activities in our study program are supported by a reference room, a basic computer laboratory, and several research laboratories equipped with their supporting hardware and software. The increase in our students’ soft skills is supported by the activities of HIMATIKA (Mathematics Student Association) in the faculty.

More information about our study program and HIMATIKA can be accessed via & respectively.

Career Prospects

Given the universal nature of mathematics, possible occupations for our graduates are quite diverse. Based on our tracer study, our alumni work in the field of education (teachers and lecturers), research (researchers), government institutions (ministries, BMKG (a government agency for meteorology, climatology, and geophysics), and BPPS), banking (BNI, BRI, Mandiri, etc.), actuarial mathematics, information technology (Packet System, IBM, Jati Solution, Gameloft, etc.), private companies (ASTRA, ELNUSA, IPCO-International, and several overseas companies).


    1. Pancasila-minded and have an awareness of the interests of the nation.
    2. Having responsibility, confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and awareness of being a lifelong learner.
    1. Able to develop their logic and mathematical thinking. They are in particular able to formulate mathematical hypotheses and have an understanding of how such hypotheses can be verified or falsified using mathematical methods.
    2. Have sufficient knowledge in information technology and have ability to use it to support the teaching-learning and research process.
    3. Able to communicate in mathematical language, oral and writing, concisely, clearly, and well-organized.
    4. Have ability to apply their mathematics ability in their carrier related to mathematics and to continue their programme in master and doctoral programme.
    5. Understand the concept of academic integrity particularly with regards to plagiarism as well as its consequences and preventions.
    1. Able to recognize mathematics-related problems, assess their solvability and solve them within a specified time frame.
    2. Have comprehensive knowledge in mathematical modelling and able to create mathematical models, both in mathematics, in other fields, and in real problems. They are in particular able to solve and determine the strategy how to solve the problems.
    3. Have generalization and abstraction abilities and are able to recognize analogies and basic patterns.
    1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking by utilizing information technology to produce solutions realized in scientific documents and implementation of areas of expertise with integrity.
    2. Able to develop networks, be adaptive, creative and contributive, provide supervision, evaluate and make decisions in order to show independent and group performance to apply knowledge to community life.
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