Bachelor Program in Physics (PSF) is a study program organized by the Department of Physics Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science Universitas Gadjah Mada. PSF aims to prepare Bachelor (S1) who have faith and be devoted to God Almighty, have high integrity and personality, are open and responsive to changes, scientific progress and problems faced by society, especially those related to their fields of expertise, and have the quality and ability to compete in the international field.

Graduate Competencies

This study program prepares its students to become physicists who are skilled in understanding, observing, and predicting natural phenomena through theories, experiments, and applications. In their activities in relation to theories, experiments, and applications, a physicist utilizes the help of Mathematics and computational skills. As an empirical science, physics cannot be separated from the skills of conducting experiments. In addition, because physics studies very basic natural phenomena, it cannot be separated from philosophical thinking arranged and elaborated in mathematical language. Conducting various activities in the field of Physics will bring benefits to one’s personal development, such as, being able to build the ability to solve problems, to think logically and analytically, and to be independent.

Courses taught in this study program includes conceptual aspects relating to natural phenomena, devices to obtain information, measure, model and analyze phenomena theoretically, computationally, experimentally, and based on observations. The main branches and topics in physics include Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Physics, Electrodynamics, Theory of Relativity, and Cosmology.

Our study program has a shared infrastructure in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, which includes classrooms, libraries and sports facilities. Most lecturers in our study programs have doctoral degrees with various fields of expertise that cater various fields of research interest. Our study program is supported by three laboratories to facilitate experiment training for students, namely the Fundamental of Physics Laboratory, Atomic and Core Physics Laboratory, and the Material and Instrumentation Physics Laboratory. For the purposes of advanced research, the study program has access rights to the Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT).

Our graduates master the science and applied statistics, data analysis and processing, experimental design, database, computing, statistics and stochastic, and statistical quality control.

Career Prospects

Professional Physicists graduated from this study program have the capability to work as professionals that include the following.

  • Educators at any level, i.e. universities/colleges, senior high schools, junior high schools, and elementary schools
  • Researchers in government and private institutions or independent researchers
  • Consultants and Bureaucrats
  • Entrepreneurs

Our graduates have the capacity to work in government institutions (such as the Central Statistics Agency, Ministry of Education & Culture, the Ministry of National Development Planning, and Bappeda/Regional Development Planning Agency), statistical consultant firms, insurance companies, banks, and capital markets.


    1. Pancasila-minded and have an awareness of the interests of the nation.
    2. Having responsibility, confidence, emotional maturity, ethics, and awareness of being a lifelong learner.
    1. Acquire and is able to explain the concepts underlying the Classical Physics, which include understanding various aspects of Mechanics, the system of many particles, and basic interactions (Gravity and Electromagnetism).
    2. Acquire and is able to explain the concepts underlying the Modern Physics, which includes the theory of relativity and the concept of quantum physics.
    3. Acquire and is able to explain the concepts of the Classical Physics and Modern Physics at various levels of the system, ranging from elementary particle systems, complex material systems, to the macroscopic system of the universe and their applications to the latest fields of technology.
    4. Acquire and is able to apply various experimental devices, mathematics, and numerical methods in physics.
    1. Aspects of Intellectual Thinking Skills.
    2. Skillful at identifying Physics-related problems and expressing in Physics concepts.
    3. Skillful at making hypotheses on Physicsrelated problems.
    4. Skillful at handling problems in the field of Physics and able to provide solutions.
    5. Skillful at formulating the application of Physics for the development of science and technology.
    6. Aspects of Practical Skills.
    7. Skillful at observing the phenomena of nature.
    8. Skillful at conducting Physics experiments at the basic level as well as at the advanced level along with the analyses.
    9. Skillful at using Mathematics in describing various phenomena of physics.
    10. Skillful at utilizing Information and Communication Technology.
    11. Aspects of Managerial Skills
    12. Have the ability to present and communicate strong arguments concerning concepts or ideas related to the field of Physics in both Indonesian and English.
    13. Have the ability to work either independently or in a team .
    14. Have the ability to supervise and direct a team that is conducting activities related to the field of Physics.
    1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking by utilizing information technology to produce solutions realized in scientific documents and implementation of areas of expertise with integrity.
    2. Able to develop networks, be adaptive, creative and contributive, provide supervision, evaluate and make decisions in order to show independent and group performance to apply knowledge to community life.
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