The Doctoral Program in Physics was established with the aim to produce doctoral degree graduates in the field of Physics who possess integrity and dedication towards the development of physics, both fundamental physics and applied physics, working both theoretically and experimentally / observationally.


Graduate Competencies

Four Fields of Expertise Groups (KBK) in the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM as follows:

  • Researches at KBK Theoritic and Computational Physics
  • Researches at Applied Physics KBK
  • Researches at Functional Material Physics KBK
  • Research in Geoscience KBK

Career Prospects

Most of the graduates have career in academics as lecturers in state and private universities, or become teachers at secondary education, while others become researchers in various government-owned research institutions or become experts in government institution or national private companies. Some of them become entrepreneurs based on science-technology.



  • Accreditation A
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