Our study program that established in 2002 is a leading Geological Engineering doctoral degree in Indonesia. This program designed for post-graduate students, researchers, or practitioners who work in industries/institutions related to geo-resources, geological hazards, or geo-environment. Doctor of Geological Engineering Program has been accredited A by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Since 2003, this study program has been selected as the Host Institution for Geological Engineering from the ASEAN University Network – the Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net). This study program is supported by the best lecturers and promoters with strong international networks under the JICA AUN/SEED-Net and GetIn-CICERO Programs which allow students to carry out comparative studies and joint research and international collaboration activities on applied geology at partner universities such as with Hokkaido University, Kyushu University, Kyoto University and RWTH Aachen University.

Graduate Competencies


National: Accredited A (BAN-PT)

Duration of Study

3 years or 6 semesters

Credit Requirements

40 – 50 SKS (credit system)

Degree Title

Dr. (Doktor)

Global Mobility

Students have opportunity to attend international programs such as:

  1. Student exchange program to Japanese Supporting Universities under JICA AUN/SEED-Net Cooperation.
  2. Joint research and collaboration with lecturers from respected partner universities for examples; RWTH Aachen University, University of Montpellier, and others.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the program, students will have the ability to:

  1. Able to analyse problems and designing research-based solutions in the field of geological engineering, and considering the impact of their application towards the environment, society, social-economy and culture.
  2. Able to communicate problem solutions in the field of geological engineering towards international scientific communities.
  3. Able to develop collaboration and cooperation networks, with upholding the professional ethics.

Career Prospects

Popular career destinations for our graduates include:

  1. Researchers in the field of geological engineering at national and international research institutions,
  2. Lecturers-researchers in the field of geological engineering at national and international educational institutions.



Domestic student IDR 19,000,000 per semester, and International student IDR 37,000,000 per semester


Independent Institutional Scholarship.

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