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Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada joining Student Community Service – Community Empowerment Programma (KKN PPM) have planted as many as 1,000 trees in West Nusa Tenggara at the Mt.
From under the tent beside the podium, Muhammad Fahmi Husaen was enjoying the attractions being performed by student units of Universitas Gadjah Mada during the new students induction event...
The red and white flag as well as the flag carrying UGM logo were flying in the skies of Bulaksumur on Monday (1/8).
An aura of happiness shone on the face of Mawardi (65), even more when Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir.
Universitas Gadjah Mada for 2016/2017 Academic Year accepts as many as 8,745 new students, consisting of 6,551 undergraduate and 2,194 diploma level students.
Different from her peers who at around the age of 15 years start their high schools, Nida Aqidatus has instead gone to college after getting admitted at UGM for Medical Records at the...
UGM Vice-Rector for Research and Community Service, Prof. Dr. Suratman, M.Sc., paid a visit to East Lombok and Central Lombok regencies on Saturday (30/7) during a Student Community Service...
The residents of Pawuhan hamlet in Karangtengah village, Banjarnegara regency in Central Java still have limited access to clean water.
Lecturer in Sports and Health of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Yusuf Hidayat, Sp.Pd., M.Si., has achieved doctorate at UGM on Friday (29/7) in the Auditorium of Faculty of Psychology UG...
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Medical students team have won first place awards in the 14th Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ), held at the Medical Faculty UGM from 29-30 July 2...
In the past decade, social, economics, and environment were used as the main theme of negative campaign on the Indonesia’s palm oil industry.
Having healthy, white, clean teeth could be everyone’s dream.
UGM students develop online learning mentoring for various school subjects called ‘Whasab Bimbel’ or Whasabbi.
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang’s lecturer in law, Fifik Wiryani, earned doctorate at UGM on Thursday(28/7) at Faculty of Law UGM after defending her dissertation entitled Implementat...
The literary work is one of Islamization tools in Indonesia.
Faculty of Medicine UGM should be proud because it is trusted to host the 14th Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz (IMSPQ) 2016.
UGM has to grieve once again after one of its best students passed away.
The Mekarsari Park in Mekarsari village, Bogor city, West Java, is an open agrotourism destination that serves as an alternative to tourists.
At the outskirt of Blitar, East Java, a small house stands betwen narrow alleys.
Lecturer of Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Mataram, Ery Setiawan, earned a doctorate in the field of Civil Engineering.
Ahmad Fauzi and his father, mother, and brother had gathered to wait the announcement of university entrance results.
The use of construction materials from fast-growing bamboo instead of wood can be a long-term solution to the problems of global warming.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati., M.Sc., Ph.D., inaugurated 22 new structural officials on Wednesday (27/7)) at UGM Senate Hall.
Be patient in every situation determines how an event is resolved.
Ir. Sasmito Soekarno, M.S., has passed his doctoral program for Civil Engineering and Environment of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Since 2011, Indonesia has applied acounting standard that is convergent with International Financial Accounting Standard (IFRS) or principle based accounting standard. But it only giv...
Universitas Gadjah Mada has inaugurated 1,074 graduate students comprising 966 master’s, 75 specialists and 33 doctorates.
Head of the Restoration of Peat (BRG), Ir. Nasir Foead, M.Sc., share some tips to succeed at the work place in front of 1,030 prospective UGM graduates.
As many as 11 Higher Education Institutes in Indonesia are expected to be World Class University, namely UGM, UI, ITB, Diponegoro University, IPB, Airlangga University, ITS, UNHAS, USU, UPI...
A lecturer from Universitas Islam Indonesia, Budi Agus Riswandi, S.H., M.Hum., earned a doctorate degree in law at Faculty of Law UGM on Monday (25/7) in the Auditorium of the Faculty after...