The Director of Digital and Technology at PT Bumi Resources Tbk, Himawan Setiadi, and his team visited Universitas Gadjah Mada.
The UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM) has sent four students to participate in the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) internship program at Sumiyoshi Livestock Science St...
Dhia Salsabila Azhar, an Electronics and Instrumentation alumnus from FMIPA UGM, class of 2018, gained valuable experience by participating in the first batch of the Certified Independent St...
Not content with just learning in the classroom, Achmad Hadzami Setiawan was eager to gain knowledge and practice his skills through the Certified Internship and Independent Study Program (M...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and PT Harmoni Panca Utama (HPU) have agreed to provide students with opportunities to undertake mining industry internships and develop their skills before gra...
The Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) Program aims to transform higher education in Indonesia by producing superior and high-quality human resources. Participation in this program enh...
Arya Yudhistira (21), a student from the Management program at the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM), has been accepted for internships at four companies through the 2024 Kamp...
Three students from the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in Animal Science and Industry, UGM Faculty of Animal Sciences (Fapet UGM), participate in the MBKM internship program at t...