SDG 15: Life on Land
With a mission to breathe life back into the scorched slopes of Mount Lawu in Magetan, students from the undergraduate Forestry program and Vocational College at UGM, class of 2022, embarke...
The Brebes Livestock and Animal Health Office is making significant strides in advancing the cultivation of Jabres cattle. In collaboration with the UGM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and...
Educators from the UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences recently spearheaded an awareness campaign illuminating the perils associated with the liquid utilized by “silver people...
The UGM Forestry Alumni (KAGAMAHUT) in Lampung planted 100 tree seedlings in Bhineka Tunggal Ika Park at the Lampung Human Resources Development Agency on Sunday, December 10.
The Universitas Gadjah Mada Alumni Family (KAGAMA) in Samarinda planted 200 fruit tree seedlings along the Karang Asam Besar River banks in Samarinda City on Sunday (November 26). This in...
The UGM Faculty of Forestry plans to rehabilitate the Getas and Ngandong forests, which are among the forests with particular purposes in Indonesia, covering an area of 10,901 hectares. T...
The UGM Faculty of Animal Sciences successfully organized the 10th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production (ISTAP X) on November 8-9, 2023.
Dr. Ganies Riza Aristya, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Biology, has been honored with the Outstanding Flagship Project Award at the 2023 RCE Awards for Innovative Projects on Education f...
Detergent is a commonly used product by people to clean clothes, shoes, and other items in their daily lives.
UGM and National Development Planning Ministry Plant 100 Trees to Support Environmental Conservation
UGM and the Ministry of National Development Planning planted 100 yellow tabebuias (Handroanthus chrysotrichus) trees within the UGM campus environment.
The impact of climate change is threatening the sustainability of human life.
The Gamagora 7 rice variety, resulting from the UGM Agrotechnology Innovation Center’s research, is entering the market testing phase.
Since 2020, UGM has been researching the development of area-based organic agriculture in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. This research has produced several outcomes, including a model of sus...
The village of Duwet in Gunungkidul has attracted the attention of five UGM students.
A team of UGM students has successfully developed an automated liquid fertilizer composter integrated with a control system.
High cholesterol, or hypercholesterolemia, is when a person has too much fat in their blood.
UGM Students Use Activated Carbon from Coffee Grounds to Remove Pollutants from Household Wastewater
UGM students are exploring sustainable solutions to address environmental issues by using activated carbon derived from coffee grounds as an adsorbent in household wastewater.
Amid the dominance of tourist accommodation development on the island of Bali, the Tenganan Pegringsingan village remains steadfast with a prohibition on tourist accommodations. The prohi...
A group of students from across faculties at UGM have developed an automatic pest-repellent device called Memedi Modern or MeMo to keep sparrows away.
Facing a global clean water crisis, students from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have researched the culture of Kudus, Central Java, which preserves water in wells and springs through the wi...
A group of UGM students has created an interactive book equipped with a virtual influencer to instill empathy in early childhood towards the threat of extinction facing endemic wildlife.
Five UGM students have developed an AI-based forest and land fire detection device named
Indonesia ranks ninth in the world for the highest annual rainfall, with 2,702 mm yearly.
UGM students have transformed eggshell waste into organic fertilizer named Gama Organic.
The black orchid, scientifically known as Coelogyne pandurata Lindl., is a rare endemic plant in Indonesia, found only in East Kalimantan and Papua. Its uniqueness lies in its black label...
Forests are one of the assets that few other countries possess.
Ethnobotanical knowledge of the Rejang tribe in Indonesia is under threat of extinction, with the youngest generation having the lowest level of knowledge.
UGM students research indigenous ecotourism in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.
Twelve Asian universities discussed critical island studies at the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), on Sunday (October 1). These twelve universities come from ...
UGM Faculty of Biology & Yogyakarta Trade and Industry Office Explore Waste Management Collaboration
The UGM Faculty of Biology conducted a training on organic waste processing on Friday (August 25), receiving attendance from the Public Market Division of the Yogyakarta Trade and Industry ...