Challenges don’t always bring misfortune. Some people choose to rise and help others, just like Ekandari Sulistyaningsih, known as Ekan, who has been assisting many micro, small, and medi...
Dea Rachma Chaerani, commonly known as Dea, is a content creator focusing on job-related content, particularly for fresh graduates looking to start their careers in Australia.
It’s no surprise that many graduates of the Tourism program from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) can become successful entrepreneurs.
Eighty-six academics from five countries visited the waste processing center and the rice and horticultural plant seed storage facility at the Agrotechnology Innovation Center (PIAT UGM) co...
Roni Arianto Widodo, a 1991 graduate of the UGM Department of Food and Agricultural Product Technology (TPHP), Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP UGM), started his career without a fam...
Kinarya Anak Bangsa Foundation, a non-profit organization led by Rosita Yuwanasari Suwardi Wibawa, a UGM Alumni Family of Banten member, has been recommended as a United Nations Special Con...
The Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) conferred degrees to 991 graduates from the master’s, medical specialty, medical sub-specialty, and doctoral programs in the Graduation Ceremony...
Five students from Universitas Gadjah Mada, part of the PKM-K UGM team, have successfully developed a traditional house puzzle toy called Arcibo.
Several students from Universitas Gadjah Mada have created innovative tables and chairs made from plastic waste to solve the increasing plastic waste problem in Yogyakarta, especially in Ju...
The health of the small intestine is crucial for broiler chicken growth. Pathogenic microbial disturbances in the small intestine can infect the digestive tract, leading to inflammation and ...
UGM is currently moving towards a sustainable and green campus.
The world is currently alarmed by the term “global boiling” due to the drastic rise in average temperatures worldwide. Methane emissions are a significant contributor to this phenomenon....
The UGM Center for Transportation and Logistic Studies (Pustral UGM), in collaboration with the International Transport Forum (ITF) and The World Bank, conducted a study to assist the Indone...
Phasiree Thanasin, with serious determination, skillfully moved the canting to apply hot wax along the batik pattern of floral motifs. Despite her fingers still being unaccustomed to handlin...
UGM Community Service Program (KKN-PPM) students have installed rainwater harvesting systems in Muara Pantuan Village, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan. The village is located a...
UGM Faculty of Agriculture (Agriculture UGM) and PT Astra International Tbk signed a memorandum of agreement (MoA) in the tri-dharma of higher education field on Friday, Jul.
The rise in juvenile delinquency cases has drawn the attention of many parties. As agents of change, students have a role to play and have shown concern for this issue.
The UGM PKM team has revealed the purslane vegetable plant’s potential as a curative therapy for chronic kidney disease.
Wearing rubber boots, I Kadek Somadana (44) carries a bamboo pole with a sickle attached to the end to harvest oil palm fruits and remove old palm fronds. Meanwhile, his wife, Ni Luh Erna...
The UGM KKN-PPM team “Menyanjung Tiram” performed community service in Lalang Village, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), UGM Alumni Family in East Nusa Tenggara (Kagama NTT), and UGM KKN-PPM Sinergi Kolbano students organized a beach cleanup event at Oesapa Color Beach in Kupang....
The Global Cancer Statistics (GLOBOCAN) report states that the number of cancer patients worldwide is projected to increase by 47% by 2040, with 28.4 million cases of various cancers expect...
Complicated bureaucracy in regulations can lead to delays in decision-making, inefficient resource use, and decreased public trust in the government. Therefore, bureaucratic reform is ess...
Various studies show that humans always want to help others.
Students from Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Community Service Program (KKN-PPM) have undertaken a mangrove planting initiative in Bakau Serip Village, Batam City, Riau Islands. This environmen...
A team of students from the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM) has achieved remarkable success at the international level. They won third place at the 2024 OCBC Ventura Internat...
Magetan Regency Government is serious about promoting and establishing tourism as a leading sector.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Durham University, UK, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to establish more intensive educational and scientific collaboration in various fiel...
A Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) student team has introduced an innovative filament for 3d printing made from plastic bottle waste.
A Student Creativity Program in Intellectual Creation (PKM-KC) team from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has introduced an innovation: a medication detection device based on deep learning alg...