UGM Alumni
Kagama Lari hosted a night-time running event on Dec. 16-17 in Yogyakarta.
Mlathi Anggayuh Jati, fondly known as Gayuh, stands tall among the 1,852 recent graduates celebrated at the UGM graduation ceremony on Nov.
The jubilation of UGM’s 74th anniversary appears to have no bounds.
One thousand two hundred-seven individuals representing 47 vibrant community groups added an explosion of colors and traditions to the Nitilaku cultural parade, marking the 74th anniversary...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in collaboration with the UGM Alumni Family (KAGAMA), celebrated the Alumni Mengabdi Awards (Alumni Devotion) during the Alumni Gathering Night in conjunction...
The UGM Alumni Family (KAGAMA) in Riau, in collaboration with the Riau Stunting Reduction Acceleration Team, organized a social service event on Sunday (November 26) in the courtyard of the...
The UGM Forestry Alumni (KAGAMAHUT) in Lampung planted 100 tree seedlings in Bhineka Tunggal Ika Park at the Lampung Human Resources Development Agency on Sunday, December 10.
The Universitas Gadjah Mada Alumni Family (KAGAMA) in Samarinda planted 200 fruit tree seedlings along the Karang Asam Besar River banks in Samarinda City on Sunday (November 26). This in...
Among the 2,163 graduates at the UGM bachelor’s and applied bachelor’s degree graduation in November 2023 were 72 from the 3T (frontier, outermost, and underdeveloped) regions.
UGM and the UGM Alumni Family (KAGAMA) discussed the widespread use of AI in the financial sector in a webinar themed “AI and Strengthening Inclusive Finance” on Saturday (November 25).
UGM Museum hosted a temporary exhibition titled “Karsa Karya Koesnadi Hardjosoemantri” (The Creations of Koesnadi Hardjosoemantri).
What happens when the traditional Korean song Arirang is combined with Javanese gamelan? This unique collaboration inspired Ji Tae Chung, a doctoral graduate from Seoul, South Korea, whose ...
The UGM Alumni Family (KAGAMA) in West Java held an alumni gathering in Bandung on Wednesday, November 29, 2023.
A total of 175 members of the UGM Alumni Family (Kagama) in the Netherlands met the Rector of UGM at the Indonesian School of The Hague (SIDH) in Wassenaar, the Netherlands, on Sunday (Octo...
The orientation for postgraduate, specialist, and subspecialist candidates for the first period of the 2023/2024 graduation was held on Tuesday (October 24) at Grha Sabha Pramana, Universit...
Professor Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej, chair of the Indonesian Tennis Association (PP Pelti), was runner-up in the sixteenth edition of the Kagama Cup Tennis Tournament, held at the UGM Tenn...
The Notarial Student Family of the UGM Faculty of Law has successfully organized the Notarial Sports and Cultural Arts Week (PORSNOT). This year, PORSNOT carried the theme “Guyup Rukun,...
The Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Professor Ova Emilia, MD, visited the UGM Alumni Family (Kagama) in Lampung on Sunday, October 15. Among the attendees were the Vice-Rector fo...
Two Architecture alumni, Faiz Fawzan Adhima and Vidya Larasati Adiraputri, have achieved recognition in a final project competition organized by the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology...
Andi Alfian, an alumnus of the Center for Religious and Cross-Cultural Studies postgraduate program at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), has received the Indonesia Netherlands Thesis Prize 202...
At the working luncheon session of the High-Level Meeting of the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum on October 11, 2023, young innovators from island nations and archipelagos presen...
UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Alumni Family hosted “Meridian 2023: Alumni Sharing” on Saturday (September 30) to help students prepare for life after graduation.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has awarded one of its finest alums, Wahjudi Wardojo, an honorary doctorate in forest resource conservation.
A year ago, the story of a rural Mount Lawu farmers’ child, Apia Dewi Agustin (23), who was in the final semester of her studies at Universitas Gadjah Mada, garnered public attention. A...
The UGM Faculty of Cultural Sciences firmly commits to preparing its graduates to face the working world. In line with this, the faculty has designed programs creatively packaged for grad...
After the conferral ceremony on Thursday (August 24), thousands of graduates stood up from their seats to line up for photos in front of the stage at Grha Sabha Pramana, Universitas Gadjah ...
The Anang Batas exhibition “Fotodidak: Terpanjat Tak Terperanjat” (Photo-didact: Stumbled but Unsurprised) successfully ran for nine days from August 12 to 20, 2023, at UGM. As the ev...
The Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) conferred degrees to 1,541 graduates from the bachelor’s, applied bachelor’s, and associate degree diploma programs, including ten foreign na...
Minister of Investment, Bahlil Lahadalia, was one of the speakers at the pre-ceremony graduate briefing for the bachelor’s and applied bachelor’s programs on Tuesday (August 22) at the ...
The drive for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to enhance their competitiveness is gaining momentum.