YOGYAKARTA-Twenty percent of budget allocation for education is not necessarily a good news for the community. Indeed, some or even many people became anxious and skeptical upon hearing about the size of the education budget. Suddenly, it is as if we fell in to a puddle: twenty per cent of the budget became the source of "party time". The blurred fact became clearer after a few public officials were sent to jail because of corruption in education. "One of them was sent to jail for purchasing books and another for the procurement of school supplies," said legal and education analyst, Eko Prasetyo, S.H., in the National Seminar on "Role of the Corruption of the Dehumanization of Education in the Contemporary Period," which took place in Magister Management UGM on Sunday (28/11).
Eko added that education institutions in Indonesia so easily become a den of corruption, especially those committed by officials, because since the beginning, education ‘helps grow’ the practice. Since the registration up to the exam process, there is always no "transparency" in the mechanism. The closed and uncontrolled situation makes the educational institutions become a malignant nest for all who want to cheat. "Corruption is growing fast because it relies on relations and political relations. In addition, of course corruption practices here are sanctioned by a trivial punishment," he said.
"Disaster" in education in the view of Eko is increasingly complete with the emergence of several other cases. He cited the high number of damaged school buildings, the rising level of stress among students due to the loads of lessons and curriculum, and the limited access of poor people to get the best education.
Therefore, Eko suggested that transparent management, visible, and verification of financial statements must be immediately conducted by an independent team. Then, subject to the punishment which has a direct impact on the institution that the perpetrators or the organizers proved of corruption. In addition, giving rewards or gift to those who report corruption cases should also be pioneered. "The public should also be encouraged to develop awareness of the direct danger of the education corruption," said Eko.
Meanwhile, members of the House of Representatives, Djamal Aziz, said that although there are many cases of corruption in education, the House of representatives continued to push the government to improve the quality and equity of education through budgetary politics. The implementation supervision of the education budget is amplified to ensure that absorption of the budget can be conducted well by the government and on target. "Education should be the pillar to form the exemplary character in building the nation through educational efforts to the whole people of Indonesia," said Djamal.