Inauguration of Professor
Entropy of the discrete dynamical system can already be applied in various fields, such as DNA sequence, Network and Cosmology.
The role of plants for traditional societies is hardly replaced by modern chemical medicines.
Inauguration of Prof. Kustantinah: Cattle Herding and Biological Control Overcome Parasites in Goats
Efforts to increase cattle productivity in developing countries are usually limited to two things: nutrition and health.
In the Senate Hall, Tuesday (13/7) Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Nuryono, M.S, is confirmed as a Professor of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM.
Modern biotechnology in agriculture field has been widely applied. As a new technology that uses molecular biology and genetic engineering techniques, it is able to manage the health of the...
The lady born in Yogyakarta, 25 February 1960, observed that the reading problem in the first and second year of Elementary School often goes undetected by their teacher.
On the result of university admission test, the consequence of failure in the decision making due to inaccurate test score information will have bad impacts on the person in concern.
Transportation problems have increasingly become bigger. Not only in big cities, the problem also occur in smaller cities such as Yogyakarta.
The application of the concept of Technical Geology that is supported by psychology and sociology proved effective in developing mapping methods of landslide hazard through people’s ...
Experience in several developing countries showed that tourism can improve people’s prosperity if it is managed well by applying pro-poor tourism strategy.
The source of hazardous and poisonous waste can be the industry, mining, transportation, hospitals, chemical laboratories, household and natural process.
Besides the failure factors of conservation in the water pool, another cause is the inaccurate prediction of sediment to the fact owing to the inadequate data, eitherwater pool area will wo...
Almost all superblocks in Indonesia have the connotation of luxury and only a few of them allocate space for the middle to lower classes.
In hydraulic structures, hydraulics has become an integral part. The development of hydraulics has enabled the construction of hydraulic structures, for example weirs, dams, irrigation chan...
He said that in mapping the metal chemical structures in natural resources, chemical analysis is aimed at knowing the potential of the region.
Clinical pharmacy service is effective in the therapy for patients.
Average temperature increased by 0.2º C every 10 years. NASA data indicated that the temperature increase has led to the rise of sea surface by 20 cm in year 2000 compared to that in 190...
Indonesia has been struck by earthquakes many times. However, the real action to reduce building vulnerability is still minimal.
Nanomaterials are very attractive materials as they have very different characteristics from those seen on their macroscopic scale.
Global warming cause climate change in Indonesia. This is indicated by the increased frequency and very high intensity of rain, the uncertainty of rainy and dry seasons, increase of sea sur...
 Today there is a perspective that every construction project always causes environmental damage.
Political development in the last ten years was very different from before.
Radioactivity is the ability of unstable atomic nucleus to emit radiation to make it stable.
Prof. drg. Niken Widyanti Sriyono, M.D.Sc., said that primary and preventive fluoridation efforts can reduce the prevalence of dental and oral diseases, particularly dental caries.
 Modern analytical chemical instrumentation can give qualitative and quantitative information with high precision and accurateness on very low rate.
The loss of language means the loss of a social, cultural and spiritual heritage.
In petroleum industry, the role of zeolite as catalyst is very important.
Anthropology road map was actually from Prof. Koentjaraningrat, a maestro of Indonesian anthropology.
User’s satisfaction is the main purpose of designing a new instrument, as well as the key to success in sales.
The Council of Professors (MGB) of University Gadjah Mada has inaugurated five new professors and let go of three professors who have retired.