Consumer behaviour in consuming green products is the real act of consumers to sustain the environment.
The presence of volunteers becomes a phenomenon during recent regional leaders political contestation.
A lecturer at Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Sebelas Maret, Lilik Wahyudi, succeeded to earn a doctoral degree in management from Universitas Gadjah...
No formula milk can beat breast milk in terms of nutrition, enzymes, growth factor, hormones, immunology traits or outcomes for baby’s growth.
The high expense of treatment in dermatology has caused researchers to seek preventive and regenerative medical treatment which is cheaper.
The policy to write off receivables of problematic credit have yet to be implemented by the Board of Directors of State-Owned Banks due to the director’s worry of corruption case.
The intensity of traffic activities in Indonesia from time to time keeps increasing.
The concept of Seven Dignities strengthens Cirebon cultures in West Java, particularly the quality enhancement of human in Cirebon as the culture bearers. “The concept of seven ...
A doctoral student from Faculty of Medicine UGM, Fitriani Mediastuti, S.Si., M.Kes., develops Adolescent SMART Program as a solution to prevent adolescent pregnancy, particularly among juni...
Man is an important component of remote sensing system. As effect of thinking process, visual perception, demographic and emotion factors, the interpretation results among image interpreter...
The implementation of reference system becomes an essential element in the realization of Pregnancy Safer and Safe Motherhood program which can press the maternal mortality rate down to 80 ...
Business dispute is generally resolved through three means, namely, reconciliation, through arbitration agency or the court.
Sandalwood (Santalum album Linn., Santalaceae) population in Indonesia continues to decrease in the past decade, even almost going to extinction.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng.
Prof. Dr. Partini, S.U. is inaugurated as Professor of Sociology at Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM on Tuesday (10/10) at Senate Hall UGM.
Indonesia is one of six countries that have highest incidents of tuberculosis (TB) in the world with increasing number of patients from year to year.
Faculty of Pharmacy UGM graduated as many as 178 new pharmacists on Saturday (30/9) at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
Recently, there have been swamp cities in Indonesia that experience degradation.
Pre-eclampsia is still the cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.
Sandy land in Kulonprogo regency, Yogyakarta, is a marginal land.
Goat breeders from Kaligesing in Purworejo city are still facing the same problem with productivity.
Lecturer from Universitas PGRI Semarang, Agus Sutono, S.Fil., M.Fil., has earned a doctoral degree from Faculty of Philosophy UGM with his dissertation titled Pancasila as Middle Way Philos...
In her dissertation entitled Begawi Cakak Pepadun in the Ontology Perspective of Anton Bakker: Relevance to Indonesia’s Character, Shely Cathrin, S.Fil., M.Phil at Faculty of Philosop...
Critical land has caused degradation of Drainage Basins in Indonesia.
Medical lecturer from Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Dr.dr. Veronika Ika Budiasturi, M.Pd., has earned a doctorate degree from UGM Medicine and Health sciences study programme.
Erosion level in Ngujung sub-drainage basin of Kota Batu, East Java, continues to increase.
Myanmar students, Khin Nyein Nyein Tun, succeeded to earn doctoral degree in Geology Engineering at Faculty of Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada after defending her dissertation in an ope...
The presence of Micro- Agrobusiness Financial Institution (LKMA) can effectively increase farmer’s income.
Speaking of public goods provision by the government, either the central government, regional government, state-owned company or regional companies, it can be said that the access to utiliz...
Kelimutu National Park is an ecotourism site that is done through Community Based Tourism (CBT) development.