Criminal law enforcement systems in the military justice must be independent, both institutionally and functionally, free from interference by other institutions outside the judiciary as a ...
Basic Health Research (RISKEDAS) in Indonesia in 2010 showed that 1% of boys and 4% girls across Indonesia have sex before 13 years old.
Effective learning models that will be able to produce optimal learning achievement have to consider a theoretical nature as well as realistic matter.
In the past two decades, urbanisation has transformed the structure of Yogyakarta city.
Fitri Santi, S.E, M.Si., lecturer of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Bengkulu, successfully earned a doctorate degree from the Faculty of Econ...
Becoming palm sugar makers may bring additional income to farmers from Wolo sub-district in Kolaka regency, South East Sulawesi, as this business has the potential to make them prosper.
Consevatism, whether unconditional or conditional, has an important role for investors.
Lecturer at Health Polytecnique of Health Ministry Yogyakarta, Herman Santjoko, SKM, M.Si, earned a doctorate in environmental science from the Graduate School of UGM, Friday (4/6).
Amidst the more ease of use for photography among people, the presence of photo studio remains unshaken.
Limitation of political rights in the form of parliamentary threshold is a normal practice in general elections that adopt proportional system.
Globalisation produced collaboration, competition, and competitive leverage. This also happens in the higher learning sector when globalisation pushes the birth of world class university.
Bambang Purnomosidi Dwi Putranto, lecturer from STMIK AKAKOM Yogyakarta, has completed his doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering of UGM on Friday (27/5) after defending his dissertation...
The role of women in the legislature institution could not be regarded as a political act, because women legislators do not have the full flexibility and freedom of speech while gender equa...
By doing research about media, football and conflicts of interest, Afdal Makkuraga Putra achieved his doctoral degree.
Audio encoder plays a significant role in many walks of life, for instance telecommunication and entertainment.
Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated 1,781 Sarjana and Diploma graduates. Average study time for Sarjana level is four years and five months, for Diploma 3 years.
Family outing can be a means to maintain and improve the bonding among family members.
The dynamics of land use is an important study as it relates to human living basic aspects.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s student conducted a research on the experiences of people who make adventurous travels individually or in group.
Remote sensing image can be used to obtain data of land characteristics that affect communicable diseases such as malaria, leptopsirosis, and tuberculosis.
Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., SpOG(K)., Ph.D., has gone a long way in fighting for the medical education sciences in Indonesia. But she has now reaped the fruit of her hard work.
Universitas Gadjah Mada has inaugurated 1,319 graduate students, consisting of 1,214 master’s, 58 specialist, and 47 doctoral degree holders.
People’s habit of throwing liquid and solid waste into the Palu River has been going on for a long time.
Defending dissertation titled the Text of Murwakala Play during Ruwatan Ritual in Nganjuk in the Version of Ki Suprapto, HS: Transcription, Structure and Meaning, humanities lecturer from U...
Radicular pain is one disease that affects individuals of productive age between 20-60 years old.
The Arab Spring is a political term made popular internationally in early January 2011, particularly for the Arab countries.
Post-reform 1998 Indonesian politics was thriving. But on the other hand, quality of bureaucracy regulation was much worse than those of neighbouring countries.
Method for legal finding based on written law is already known.
Language disorder is called aphasia. The disorder related to brain damage is caused by, among others, stroke.
Chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyp are one problem in Ear, Nose and Throat health with increasing prevalence.