As a country that has considerable amount of natural resources, Indonesia has a wide range of chemical industry, whether small, medium or large.
Asthma is a disease that is often encountered in children.
Distribution and the disparity of Surabaya’s city space is the result of a long struggle of the various forming elements of the Surabaya city circa 1900-1960’s.
Lignocellulose as a source of polysaccharides which are abundant in Indonesia can be converted into ethanol as an alternative source of green energy.
The Indonesian sharia banking is considered as worrying. The reason is that for almost 20 years of operation, it shows a worrying performance.
A total of 155 pharmacists graduated from Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada academic year of 2010/2011 followed graduation ceremony.
The high prevalence of mental disorders that are not addressed by the availability of healthcare facilities reflects a quite alarming mental health problems in Indonesia.
Analyzing the phenomenon of negotiations in separatist conflicts by using regime compliance bargaining surely require carefulness.
Credit policy for small people in Indonesia firstly emerged in the early twentieth century by making the ethical politics as the political basis of the colonial Dutch government back...
Various surveys and studies have shown that the condition of water resources in Java and Bali is critical.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurates 1530 graduates on Thursday (18/8). In this graduation period, the average duration of study is 4 years 6 months, while the shortest study time, ...
Yogyakarta- Universitas Gadjah Mada inaugurated 712 graduates of diploma program with average study period of 3 years and 2 months.
Social studies about religious elite in Aceh showed that the presence of teungku dayah in the community is very central and determinant.
Users of financial statements information have different interests and needs.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurated 1093 graduates of post-graduate, consisting of 1021 master, 44 specialists, and 28 doctorates.
Indonesia is a country which has a quite large migrant workers.
Legong Keraton dance as a genre of traditional Balinese dance in the classification of dance for the spectacle, at the beginning of its appearance (the second half of the nineteenth century...
Advancement of sciences and technology also influences the scope of histologic researches.
In general, toxoplasmosis is still a public health problem we should be wary of.
The minimum age to get married should be adapted to the maturity of males and females, i.e.
From the philosophical angle, evil is the most puzzling and disturbing issue for human intellect.
In the view of Prof. Dr. Triyono, S.U, Indonesia has plenty and qualified human resources as well as abundant natural resources to be synthesized as a catalyst.
Treatment for health problems in developing countries, especially in Indonesia, is still considered a tertiary luxury.
Servant leadership affects performance. The higher level of servant leadership will actually improve the performance of teams in an organization.
The benefits of fungus are so enormous and extensive, especially for agro-manufacturing industries.
YOGYAKARTA- Accounting conservatism, voluntary disclosure and life cycle stages have influenced value relevance and the difference in relevance of accounting/non-accounting informati...
The inclusion of indigenous community in the preparation of Manokwari regency’s spatial plans is not yet optimal.
The puppet play entitled Dewa Ruci has attracted the attention of researchers.
Communities around the forest have their own concept of environment conservation that enables forest maintenance measures along with conservation efforts that is now being promoted by the g...
The discovery of the law by the judge as a basis for decision making in a suing action for compensation is a system that consists of a series of activities in the process of litigants.