Indonesia as a nation that has been independent for more than 60 years up until now has not achieved satisfactory progress.
Universitas Gadjah Mada this time inaugurated 1301 graduates and 235 diploma graduates.
Since 1996, public companies in Indonesia are required to submit disclosure information to the public by following the rules issued by The Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervis...
It is inevitable that ruminants livestock is one source of CH4 emissions.
YOGYAKARTA- Semarang City is one of big cities in Indonesia.
UGM is ready to facilitate the lecturers who have just successfully completed their doctoral education.
Excellent service given by nurses and hospitals is what desired by every patient.
In order to overcome social losses due to inflation and output shocks, coordination of monetary and fiscal policy is much more beneficial than no coordination at all.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) inaugurates 1140 student of post-graduate program on Wednesday (27/4).
Regional Regulation (Perda) is the lowest regulation in the hierarchy system of law regulations in Indonesia despite that it has a strategic meaning in order to give the contents of local a...
Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious and deadly infectious disease caused by the Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria.
YOGYAKARTA- “Without clear political science, the government’s policy in encouraging Indonesian universities to go international is very risky, moreover that social sciences in I...
The increase of world oil price due to global economic crisis in 1997 had led to the fiscal risk in Indonesia.
YOGYAKARTA – School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada again inaugurated 32 new nurse graduates consisting of 7 men and 25 women on Tuesday (19/4) in the auditorium ...
YOGYAKARTA – At least 10 laws related to bureaucracy in the investment services need to be revised.
As a musical instrument, Talempong in Minangkabau has some functions.
The size of Indonesia reaches 5 million km2 or exactly 5,119,000 km.
The concept of strong column-weak beam-for multiple storey buildings (strong column weak beam concept) has been introduced in Indonesia since 1983 by experts from New Zealand.
YOGYAKARTA – Lecturer of Department of Geodesy, Faculty of Engineering UGM, Ir.
Most landslides occurring in Indonesia usually contain flow of debris and flood.
In addition to activities in academics, students get the opportunity to participate in various other activities, both inside and outside the campus.
YOGYAKARTA-In every performance that comes from adaptations text, intercultural process will occur.
The use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in the fulfillment of economic services has changed the pattern of movement.
YOGYAKARTA – Densification or density of buildings in urban areas of Yogyakarta is dominated by the change from the average building density classes to high density.
YOGYAKARTA – Yogyakarta has many spiritual communities. At least there are 16 Javanese communities in Yogyakarta that are still practicing Javanist (kejawen) values such as mantra, me...
In husbandry business, feed is the dominant factor affecting the efficiency and success.
Multimedia sensibility has spawned new trends in literary works, which is postmodern trend.
Tuberculosis today remains one of serious global health problem, especially for the people living in developing countries.
Local chicken is increasingly forced away by the growth of the city.
Controversial law enactment in Indonesian law is not to be separated from law upholding management system.