News Report
Maintaining product quality for consumers is important to earn their trust and high satisfaction.
People have always considered banana peels as useless waste that cannot be processed into valuable products.
According to World Health Organization in 2014, cervical cancer ranked second as the top causes of death in the world.
Data from Yogyakarta’s Environmental Agency in 2017 revealed that heavy metal contents of lead and manganese in Code River is very high, reaching 0.14 mg/L and 0.15 mg/L.
As many as 227 teams on Student Creativity Programme UGM have attended an external monitoring and evaluation done by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.
Dengue is a disease caused by virus infection from flavivirus genus that spreads from human to human through Aedes mosquito bites.
Many Indonesians still remember the event at the end of 2016 when hundred thousands of Muslims were gathering in Jakarta to join a movement called as Defending Islam Act.
Three Veterinary students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have developed herbal formula to resolve cecum damage in broiler.
Catfish slime has been turned into medicine to treat dry mouth among patients that undergo nasopharynx cancer therapy.
Nurse is a noble profession because they play a role in improving community health.
Disaster can strike Indonesia at any moment. Therefore, community disaster preparedness is essential.
Chewing gum is one of people’s favorite food that is consumed to reduce stress.
Students of UGM Community Service Program (KKN-PPM) in Bacan, South Halmahera, North Maluku organized a beach cleanup program along Bacan Islands on Saturday (7/17).
Special Region of Yogyakarta holds a huge tourism potential, including the natural beauty of Breksi Cliff Park or Breksi Cliff.
A group of UGM students has made a breakthrough by inventing a product that can adsorb heavy metal waste.
Historical narratives especially that are presented in Indonesian historical narratives take sides with big names.
Melayu Natuna community proudly retains their cultural heritage. One of those is the Tepung Tawar ritual to remove misfortunes.
There are various types of therapy for people with autism.
Three Geography students from Universitas Gadjah Mada have done research into lightning in Wonosobo, Central Java.
Post-reform 1998 started the regional autonomy with regions having the chance to maximise their efforts to advance themselves.
Indonesia is one of world’s 50 most wasteful countries.
Starting from the idea to monitor nutrients of Pelahlar tree (Dipterocarpus littoralis), a rare species in Nusa Kambangan, Central Java, a group of UGM students have designed a tool to moni...
Contracture ankle is the limitation of motion due to ankle muscle stiffness or joint deformation.
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada have developed a device to identify and display animal medical record.
Lecturer of Universitas Bakrie, Ir. Gunardi Endro, Ph.D., asserted that ethical reflection of Unity in Diversity that underlies objective attitude evokes the pluralism thinking or otherwise...
Law No 21 Year 2008 on sharia banking requires sharia business unit which is corporation wise still in the same entity as Conventional Bank to transform into sharia banks when they ha...
Universitas Gadjah Mada has built a cooperation with three regencies in Indonesia in education, research, and community service for regional development, particularly in tourism.
A group of students from Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM built worm houses as a place for making compost and earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus) producti...
The increasing need for competent technicians in Indonesia encouraged UGM and PT Panasonic Gobel Indonesia to establish cooperation in developing human resource competency in technic...
Kevin Iskandar Putra, IUP International Relations (2016) student, has achieved an award from The 4th ASEAN Model ASEAN Meeting (AFMAM) 2018 competition in Singapore.