News Report
Issue on conflict between groups recently sparked questions on the significance of Pancasila value in the present times.
Universitas Gadjah Mada sent nine students to participate in the Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) 2017, hosted by Harvard University and the UN from 16-19 February in Boston, U...
Government will encourage research in social and cultural sciences through the establishment of social science and technology centre of excellence at each university.
Fifteen Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students were selected to join the Youth Leadership Camp for Climate Change event from 4-6 February in the biosphere reserves of Cibodas, West Java.
Animal husbandry industry faces challenges in terms of food security from consumers.
UGM ranks first among Indonesian universities according to the Webometrics ranking.
Starting from her own unpleasant experience in getting a seat on the bus, Qonita Haula came up with the idea to develop an information system, TransApp, for Trans Jogja citybus passengers.
Chairperson of Anti-corruption Commission (KPK), Agus Rahardjo, disagreed with the opinion of a member of Parliament to disband the Commission of State Civil Apparatus (KASN) by amending th...
Chungnam National University (CNU) from South Korea visited Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to explore possibilities with UGM to have a double degree programme on Tuesday (7/2).
Nature enthusiasts of Universitas Gadjah Mada’s student group (MAPAGAMA) have explored caves in Donorejo karst areas of Pacitan, East Java.
Currently, there are over 500,000 villages in Indonesia. Despite the high economic growth of Indonesia compared to the world and also growth in ASEAN, there is still a problem of the gini i...
In the hands of UGM students, Suhartono, Retno Wulandari, and Yunita Praptiwi, the leaves of breadfruit (Artocarpus Altilis) are turned into herbal medicine to treat renal and heart d...
The prevalence of cancer in the world is increasing. Currently, at least 8.2 million people died each year around the world due to the disease.
Have you ever thought to be the Danish Ambassador even for a day? Damarjiwo Datu (19) has exactly experienced that to be the Danish Ambassador for one day.
Professor of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM who is former finance minister, Prof. Dr.
Students of Universitas Gadjah Mada continue to make achievements. This time it was Samuel Edwardo, Eringga Irfiana, Wikan Karis Basutama and Karunia Damayanti joining the Taxmanian Devil t...
Infectious disease caused by bacteria, virus, fungi, and parasite are still main problems affecting the country.
Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., inaugurated as many as 36 students that become new members of Student Regiment UGM Yudha XL (batch 40).
Research, Technology, and Higher Learning Minister, Mohammad Nasir, has targeted that in 10 years, Indonesia would be able to realise food self-sufficiency.
Indonesia is a high biodiversity country. Luke Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology Faculty of Biology at The Collage of Idaho, USA, said the rich biodiversity was a promising res...
Inflammation usually happens due to wounds or infection. Many kinds of medication are available to treat it but long use may cause side-effects.
The budget for higher learning that is managed by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Learning decreases every year.
Ministerial decree on Higher Learning No 19 Year 2017 has been issued, giving guidelines for universities to appoint and dismiss leaders of state universities.
The government plans to stop allowance for professors that are not productive in writing publications for international journals.
The change in the world politics has altered the political constellation and caused uncertainties globally.
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM has opened Double Degree Sociology master’s Program in cooperation with Master of Social Policy, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Director General for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Health in the Agriculture Ministry, I Ketut Diarmita, encouraged the export of poultry products to neighbouring countries.
Data on vector of disease in Indonesia are very minimal.
The recent anthrax casefound in Kulonprogo has actually been localised and resolved due to rapid handling by related agencies.
State universities have started to open selections of new students, which come in the form of SNMPTN (academic achievements), SBMPTN (joint written and skills tests), and independent select...