News Report
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., installed the new building of undergraduate programme of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UGM on Wednesday (11/5), mar...
The final of the volley ball competition – Gadjah Mada Volleyball Competition 2016 (Gadjah Mada Cup) – among high schools/vocational schools from Yogyakarta and Central Java end...
From April 19 to 21, UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) related to the world drug problem was held and attended by all UN member countries along with representatives from various ...
UGM Vocational Schook has once again hosted the Job Fair and Career Expo.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Andalas, as well as the province of West Sumatera have a cooperation in education, research and community service in disaster risk reduction and other d...
Data from Statistics Centre Agency states that in August 2014 as much as 9.5% percent of unemployment in Indonesia consist of university alumni.
Two Animal Sciences students of UGM have joined an apprenticeship programme from April-June 2016 in Top End North Australia, which is Indonesia Australia Pastoral Program 2016, organised by...
Google has established a cooperation with UGM to develop Text-To-Speech (TTS) for Javanese language in their project called, Project Unison.
IWAK goes to the big 16 in the Young Social Enterpreneur (YSE) business competition organised by Singapore International Foundation.
FAO ranked Indonesia among 10 world’s fish producing countries.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., confirmed that the Single Tuition Mechanism (UKT) year 2016 remains the same with that in previous year.
To celebrate the National Education Day on 2 May 2016, Universitas Gadjah Mada has awarded 37 outstanding students.
The Saemaul Undong movement initiated by the Korean government in 1970 serves the foundation for Korea’s growth from underdeveloped nation to one of the world’s biggest economie...
Post-feminism is the third wave of feminism as a result of separation between feminism and postmodernism.
As many as 221 civil servants at Universitas Gadjah Mada have received Satyalancana Karya Satya awards.
The National Education Day that falls on 2 May is not only to commemorate the birth of national education hero, Ki Hajar Dewantara, and other heroes in education area, but also a momentum f...
Indonesia is world’s third biggest producer of cocoa after Ghana and Ivory Coast.
Over 5000 of UGM students have joined a community service event on Sunday (1/5).
Minister for Culture, Primary and Secondary Education, Anies Baswedan, supports education restoration for Indonesia.
Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with several universities in Yogyakarta conducted Education, Teaching and Culture Congress III, entitled Education Restoration for New Indonesia&rsq...
UGM Community Service Institute (LPPM), UGM Centre for Women’s Studies, and Clinic for Environment and Disaster Mitigation of Georaphy Faculty UGM have established the Srikandi Sungai...
Limited space is a barrier to creating green areas. Alongside the Code river, for instance, crowded housing areas make it hard for the residents to grow plants, causing the settlement looks...
A total of 16 members of the Board of Trustees UGM 2016-2021 period was finally selected.
In the digital era when the spread of information takes place in cyberspace, the television industry is facing competition from online media which is relatively more accessible.
The Javanese people generally deliver messages of morality through many forms of media, such as arts, stories, guidance, advice, and idioms.
There are 99,223 seats to be reserved for new students of state universities that will get selected through a joint test between state universities (SBMPTN) 2016.
Artificial Insemination for dairy cattle and beef cattle has been introduced in Indonesia since 1976.
Meat self-sufficiency program has long been endorsed by the government.
A student performance arts group from Universitas Gadjah Mada called Unit Kesenian Jawa Gaya Surakarta (UKJGS) UGM was on a mission to introduce the Javanese culture during a visit to Malay...
Research, Technology and High Learning Minister, Muhammad Nasir, has appreciated the research conducted by UGM on Aedes aegypti mosquito that has been developed using wolbachia bacteria in ...