News Report
YOGYAKARTA – In the past ten years the government has been seen as not serious in carrying out the new and renewable energies development.
The grades given at National Exams for high school students do not determine student’s ability to be admitted at Universitas Gadjah Mada through the National Selection Test (SNM...
YOGYAKARTA – Chairman of Hidro-Oceanography Research Unit of the Navy, Col.
YOGYAKARTA – A team of researchers from Hydro-oceanography unit of the Navy has recently compiled data on the number of Indonesian islands.
YOGYAKARTA – The ten principles in the Asia Africa Conference 1955 were said by Foreign Affairs Minister, Retno L.P.
YOGYAKARTA – Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D., attended an event to celebrate the Hindu holiday of Nyepi hosted by students of Universita...
YOGYAKARTA – The Asian African Conference in Bandung in 1955 had impacted the relations between the West and emerging independent countries in the South.
As many as 44 teams from Universitas Gadjah Mada have participated in the Student Debate Competition (Sadewa 2015) that was opened on Saturday (4/4) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM and will last ...
YOGYAKARTA – Celebrating the National Film Day on 30 March, the Koesnadi Hardjasoemantri Centre for Cultural Studies UGM in collaboration with the Documentary Film Festival (FFD) have...
Indonesia’s energy demands continue to increase amidst the limited energy supplies.
Generating human resources that are highly qualified through providing entrepreneurial soft skills has become the determination of the Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Vocational School.
As many as 68 deans of Faculty of Economics across Indonesia have attended a plenary meeting of the Association of Faculty of Economics and Business Indonesia at UGM on Thursday (26/3...
Minister for Research and Higher Learning, Muhammad Nasir, supported UGM commitment in downstreaming research outcomes from UGM researchers.
YOGYAKARTA – Preventing Indonesian nationals from going to Syria and joining the Islamic State, according to researcher from Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict, Sidney Jones, i...
YOGYAKARTA – Minister for Public Works and Housing, Dr. Ir.
YOGYAKARTA –As many as 14 Malaysian and 3 Indonesians new doctors have been inaugurated recently at Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Youth and Sports Minister, Imam Nahrawi, has encouraged UGM to pioneer in making a free-from-drugs campus.
Tens of UGM students joining the Mangrove Lovers community have grown as many 4,000 mangrove seedlings alongside the Trisik beach in Kulon Progo regency.
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Dwikorita Karnawati, M.Sc., Ph.D, reaffirmed UGM’s serious stance on tackling corruption.
BLORA – President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo visited the integrated agriculture system managed by state corporation Perhutani and Universitas Gadjah Mada in the area of Randubla...
YOGYAKARTA – Minister for Rural Affairs, Underdeveloped Regions, and Transmigration, Marwan Jafar, said the government would complete the National Program for People Empowerment (PNPM...
YOGYAKARTA – The issue of indigenous people and their problems have not been well reported in the mass media.
YOGYAKARTA – Research, Technology and Higher Learning Minister, Muhammad Nasir, said the Government would encourage the industry sector to multiple the number of researchers in resear...
The UGM Library is trying to enhance its role in supporting collaborative and inspirational learning atmosphere as a response to the dynamics within UGM or at the national and global levels...
Five UGM students have joined the Asian Youth Forum entitled Make a Difference (MaD) Forum in Hongkong from 30 January – 1 February 2015.
Some 162 students from vocational schools across Java have participated in the engineering skills competition held at UGM Vocational School from 24-25 February 2015. There are fi...
Japanese Government through the Association of Japanese Institutes of Technology has offered scholarships for graduates from Vocational Schools to study applied sciences at undergraduate le...
JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo has been requested to draw a lesson from the recent political turmoil occuring in the country.
Faculty of Dentistry UGM from 13 – 14 February 2015 conducted a community service in Kebumen, Central Java, to support the government in giving quality oral and dental health services...
YOGYAKARTA – Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno L.P. Marsudi, said the number of Indonesian nationals living abroad totals to 2.7 millions.