The Head of Indonesian Rainbow Institution, Yeni Triwahyuningsih, succeeded to earn a doctoral degree from UGM after passing an open examination for the doctoral programme at Faculty of Psychology UGM on Friday (29/12). Yeni defended her dissertation entitled Subjective Prosperity Model of Working Mothers who Have Preschooler Children.
The research was conducted due to the minimum research regarding the prosperity of working mothers who have preschooler children. Most of the existing research was referred to the concept and aspects of subjective prosperity which comes from western countries.
“There are not many concepts and aspects of subjective prosperity that are explored from eastern countries, including Indonesia,” said Yeni.
According to Yeni, the subjective prosperity concepts both from western and eastern countries are influenced by each cultural background. The individualistic western culture will be different from the collective eastern culture, thus it will affect the concepts of subjective prosperity.
The research which was done towards the working mothers who have preschooler children in Sleman Regency area, Special Region of Yogyakarta, is expected to provide subjective prosperity model for those who have preschooler children in Indonesia. The result shows the subjective prosperity model is directly influenced by optimism, self-esteem, and social support from the parents.
“Self-esteem has the biggest influence on subjective prosperity,” she added.
Another finding shows that optimism affects the subjective prosperity. In addition, optimism is also functioned as the mediator of gratitude towards subjective prosperity.