Climate change, marked by global warming, has become an increasingly real and serious threat to the agricultural sector, especially staple crops, which are the primary food source for communities worldwide, including Indonesia.
Data released by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) shows that in 2024 global temperatures rose by 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial era, making it the hottest year in the last decade.
If not addressed promptly with appropriate mitigation and adaptation strategies, this situation could worsen future food crises, widen socio-economic gaps, and threaten national food security, which has long been a cornerstone of maintaining stability and the well-being of society.
Dr. Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho, an agricultural, agro-meteorology, and climate change expert from UGM, explained that global warming negatively impacts staple crops.
Many crops experience harvest failures due to rising temperatures, wider spread of pests and diseases, and plant metabolic disorders that hinder growth and yield quality.
“All agricultural commodities are affected because each crop has ideal environmental conditions for optimal growth. For example, tea and coffee, which grow in mountainous regions, require temperatures between 13-25°C, while rice needs temperatures between 20-33°C. Crops can suffer damage if temperatures exceed the threshold,” said Dr. Nugroho on Tuesday (Mar. 25).
He continued, “Global warming affects crop growth and disrupts farmers’ planting schedules and harvest periods.”
As an expert advisor to the Minister of National Development Planning (PPN/Bappenas), Dr. Nugroho explained that rising temperatures force farmers to adjust their crops, planting varieties that are more resistant to high temperatures and less reliant on water.
“We can no longer apply the usual planting patterns. With higher temperatures, crops need more water, making planting and harvest schedules uncertain,” Dr. Nugroho added.
In addition to reducing productivity, global warming also significantly affects the quality of harvests, impacting agricultural products’ economic value and nutritional aspects.
The expert mentioned that high temperatures can cause changes in plants’ vegetative and generative growth, such as delayed or accelerated flowering, as well as changes in the size and quality of the fruits or seeds produced.
For instance, some plants produce smaller fruits, thicker skins, or harder textures due to excessive heat.
In terms of nutritional content, rising temperatures can lead to reduced protein and nitrogen levels in crops like soybeans, resulting in a decline in the nutritional value consumed by the public.
Moreover, high temperatures can also accelerate abnormal plant ripening processes, leading to decreased quality in taste, aroma, and shelf life, affecting the storage and distribution of crops.
“As a result, not only do farmers suffer economically, but consumers will also face limited access to high-quality food,” explained Dr. Nugroho.
Ultimately, the decline in food crop production will significantly impact national food security, as food is a basic need that cannot be delayed.
He emphasized that food is a key factor in a nation’s stability because its availability greatly affects the well-being of the people and national economic stability.
If production drastically decreases, the government must promptly take strategic steps to meet food stock demands by improving production efficiency, diversifying food sources, importing food from other countries, or implementing innovations in the agricultural sector to increase the productivity of existing farmland.
“Without proper mitigation efforts, a food crisis could trigger inflation in basic commodity prices, reduce people’s purchasing power, and potentially lead to social and economic instability at the national level,” he said.
Dr. Nugroho emphasized that reforestation and adaptation within the agricultural system are the primary steps in addressing the impacts of climate change.
This can be done by planting more heat-tolerant crop varieties and reducing reliance on crops that require large amounts of water.
Additionally, agricultural innovation and technology are crucial in facing these challenges. Several UGM researchers have developed crop varieties that are more resistant to high temperatures and advanced agricultural structures, such as greenhouses and plant factories, that can control temperature.
However, Dr. Nugroho acknowledged that high costs still hinder the implementation of this technology.
In facing food security threats, academics and the government have essential roles to play.
According to him, academics must continue developing more heat-resistant crop varieties, while the government needs to increase support for farmers to adjust planting schedules and patterns.
Extension services on more adaptive farming techniques, such as hydroponics and utilizing home gardens, must also be strengthened.
If adaptation measures aligned with environmental conditions can be implemented effectively, combined with the support of continually advancing agricultural technology, Indonesia’s agricultural sector will have a great opportunity to withstand various challenges caused by increasingly extreme climate change.
“With this, national food security can be maintained in the long term, both in terms of food availability, equitable distribution across regions, and the quality of agricultural products that can be enjoyed by all levels of society in this country,” he concluded.
Author: Triya Andriyani
Post-editor: Afifudin Baliya
Photographs: Dr. Nugroho