Food security is central to enhancing national productivity, improving quality of life, and achieving sustainable development. However, Indonesia faces its challenges in becoming a food-secure nation.
These challenges include the availability of agricultural infrastructure, small-scale farming due to land conversion, climate change, uneven access to food, high food loss and waste, slow farmer regeneration, and challenges in innovation and technology dissemination.
Indonesia needs measured, responsive, and appropriate policies to address vulnerabilities in food security.
The UGM Agrotechnology Innovation Center (PIAT UGM) is determined to contribute to the success of the nation’s food security program.
By adopting the concept of circular farming in its daily operations, PIAT UGM has developed several interconnected agricultural business ecosystem models, creating a sustainable ecosystem.
PIAT UGM recognizes that achieving food security requires cross-disciplinary collaboration and Penta helix partnerships involving academia, business, government, society, and media to achieve the nation’s goal of food security.
To accelerate the realization of the circular farming model and strengthen partnerships, PIAT UGM plans to hold Agrifest 2024, which will take place from Sep. 5-7, 2024, at the PIAT UGM area in Kalitirto, Berbah, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
“Our event’s tagline is ‘Seeding Ideas, Growing Futures.’ Besides introducing PIAT UGM to the public, Agrifest 2024 is expected to be a platform to accelerate the downstream of technology and innovation in the agro-complex sector,” said Dr. Alan Soffan, Head of PIAT UGM, in an interview on Wednesday (Aug. 28).
Agrifest will span three days and feature 13 activities, including talk shows, an exhibition of technological innovations from UGM’s agro-complex faculties, visits to the Gamagora 7 rice planting demo plot, exhibitions by industrial partners and startups in the agro-complex field, Agri Jobs to connect partner companies with job seekers, a small and medium enterprise (SME) product exhibition, an orchid and ornamental plant exhibition, agrotechnology workshops, a cheap clothing bazaar, healthy exercise sessions, and visits to PIAT UGM facilities.
“We are also collaborating with RSA UGM to offer free health checks with a quota of 100 people per day. There will also be an Inosi competition for innovative rice dishes using Gamagora 7 rice,” Dr. Soffan added.
The national talk show on the first day will address two themes: strengthening the food security program to realize the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045 and collaboration and multi-stakeholder partnerships in the agro-complex sector.
“We will feature many speakers, including the Director of Food and Agriculture at Bappenas; Professor Jamhari, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Agriculture; and representatives from our partners PT Pupuk Indonesia, PT Pupuk Kujang, PT Tunas Widji Nayottama, PT Kubota Indonesia, and Janu Riyanto, one of the Gapoktan leaders in Sleman Regency who has received numerous awards,” explained Dr. Soffan, who is also a lecturer and researcher in the field of plant pests and diseases.
The second day will feature a best-practice talk show focused on educating farmers and the general public.
“The theme is equally interesting, focusing on the strategic role of women in food security and elevating the status of farmers,” Dr. Soffan said.
He added that the second day will involve figures who have contributed significantly to community empowerment in Yogyakarta, such as Yayasan Beringin, Sekolah Pagesangan, Wondis Cokelat, PT Mitra Sejahtera Membangun Bangsa (MSMB), and Agradaya.
On the second day, workshops will also be held, during which participants can practice the materials provided by the speakers, such as making compost, liquid organic fertilizer (POC), and koro tempeh.
The third day will conclude with a joint exercise session, an innovative rice dish competition, and an orchid auction.
Author: Triya Andriyani