SDG 5: Gender Equality
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) continues to promote gender equality research and facilitates women’s participation in various activities specifically coordinated by the Directorate of Resea...
Work demands and household dynamics make working women more susceptible to stress, requiring innovative approaches such as art to help mothers and expectant mothers find balance.
Susi Pudjiastuti, the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries from the 2014–2019 Indonesian Cabinet, has become a prominent woman dedicated to contributing to society and the nation.
Data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) indicates that 64% of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia are managed by women.
More than 1,000 female entrepreneurs participated in the National Women's Congress, which was held at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM on Thursday (Nov. 28).
Birrul Qodriyah, a Bidik Misi scholarship recipient and UGM alumna who completed her education up to a master’s degree and started her own business, shared her inspirational journey during...
Awane Theovilla Yogi was filled with happiness, wiping away her tears several times.
UGM’s Innovation and Creativity Center (GIK UGM) hosted the Global Innovation & Future Technology Summit (GIFTS) 2024 on Nov. 14-15, 2024.
The Korean Language and Culture Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) hosted the “Women’s Film Festival” as part of the 19th Korean Days event, which took place from Nov. 2 to 10, 2...
The Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence at Universitas Gadjah Mada (Satgas PPKS UGM) has received an award from the National Commission on Violence Against Women fo...
UGM Faculty of Biology Community Service Team has partnered with Rejosari Women’s Farming Group (KWT Rejosari) in Kledokan Hamlet, Sleman Regency, to develop local agriculture using vacant...
Have you ever noticed goats or sheep eating soil or licking walls, wooden barn structures, or tree bark? These behaviors indicate that the livestock may suffer from a mineral deficiency.
Twenty-two Hulu Tengah Regency Agriculture Office delegates from South Kalimantan visited the Srikandi Women Farmer’s Group (KWT Srikandi) demonstration plot in Mrican, Sleman.
Women continue to experience discrimination, as well as wage and career inequality in the workplace.
Thirty-six representatives from Srikandi Sungai Indonesia (SSI) from various regions in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta participated in technical guidance for human resourc...
A team from the UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP UGM) is assisting a farming group in Ngampel Hamlet, Gentungan Village, Mojogedang District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java.
Food security is central to enhancing national productivity, improving quality of life, and achieving sustainable development. However, Indonesia faces its challenges in becoming a food-secu...
Accelerating stunting reduction is one of the national priority programs. Stunting is prevalent not only in Indonesia but also in various countries.
The continuous roar of the ocean waves did not disturb the focus of Muhammad Ivan Pratista, a UGM KKN-PPM student from the Sarmi unit, as he helped a mother named Nice Isabel Kondi deliver h...
Petrus (10) and Gloria (10), along with dozens of their friends, smiled with joy on Saturday (Agu. 10) when they were invited to the reading corner at SD GMIM Alung Banua.
All universities should integrate gender-based violence and sexual violence issues into their educational curriculum and teaching materials.
Sexual violence cases in higher education institutions have garnered global and national attention among academic communities.
Challenges don’t always bring misfortune. Some people choose to rise and help others, just like Ekandari Sulistyaningsih, known as Ekan, who has been assisting many micro, small, and medi...
Telang flowers, or Clitoria ternatea, are easily cultivated and offer numerous health benefits due to their high antioxidant content.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), in collaboration with Sookmyung Women’s University and the Asia Pacific Women’s Information Network Center (APWINC), supported by the Ministry of Educatio...
More than 1,500 academics, students, artists, and practitioners from 43 countries will attend the Association for Asian Studies (AAS)-in-Asia international conference at Universitas Gadjah M...
UGM Residence held the 2024 Cultural Festival to strengthen the camaraderie among UGM dormitory students.
A pair of twin siblings with the same interests and hobbies might be common.
A student team from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has won first place in the Global Social Enterprise Competition 2024.
Village products rich in local wisdom are believed to enhance the existence of a nation.