Faculty Corner
A team from the UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology conducted a monitoring and evaluation for the pilot project of Sharia business model development for processed soybean food, held at N...
The UGM Faculty of Geography’s Center for Environmental Studies and Disaster Mitigation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmig...
The government has long been involved in development efforts in Papua as a means of addressing conflicts in the region.
In commemorating World Blood Donor Day, the Department of Fisheries at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), conducted a blood donation drive on Wednesday, June 14, 202...
UGM Faculty of Philosophy has commenced the School for Seniors initiative, which was aimed to be held in Bantul, Yogyakarta, by organizing a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Saturday (3/6).
AI technology is once again causing a new controversy in education.
The OLGENAS International Geolympiad 2022 has been concluded successfully despite being held online.
A group of UGM students under the supervision of Biology lecturer Trijoko developed Black Soldier Fly (BSF) maggot and Azolla-based feed for cultured fish to deal with the rising price of c...
Celebrating 75 years of academic and research excellence, the UGM Faculty of Agriculture reported this year’s milestones in the senate meeting, Monday (27/9).
Lecturer and researcher of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Subiyantoro, looked into linguistic hybridity in the Javanese language spoken in New Caledonia.
Unlike the 2019 edition, the 2nd GREAT International Summer Course is currently taking place virtually due to the ongoing pandemic.
In collaboration with Kagamadok (medical alumni association) and SONJO, the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing launched a 24-hour COVID consultation platform LiveDokter on ...
Faculty of Animal Science hosted the 6th International Seminar of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science (ISAINI 2021) on 7-8 July 2021.
The highly anticipated biannual FP UGM – Timmerman Award 2021 is now open for nominations! The Timmerman Award, firstly held in 2007, is an award for young scientists given by t...
Commemorating the 26th anniversary, the Master’s degree program in Development Economics organized a national seminar on the development policy innovations that the central and local ...
Changes in family structure are inevitable. Countries are currently experiencing issues regarding the shift within the pattern, such as Japan and China with their shrinking population.
As reported recently, Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan proposed a program called ‘Work From Bali’ (WFB) for public em...
Water is the most important substance for the life of mankind.
Prof. Susetiawan, as UGM Professor of the Department of Social Development and Welfare (PSdK), revealed that efforts to develop a better Indonesia do not only come from mental efforts such ...
As a medium for the community to further learn about UGM Faculty of Law, Law Career Development Center (LCDC) of UGM Faculty of Law organized Education Week open for the public on 8-10 Apri...
UGM Faculty of Animal Science collaborated with Indonesia-Australia Red Meat Cattle Partnership in organizing an online Cow Feed Management Training on March 15-25, 2021.
UGM Faculty of Pharmacy had officially released 46 new pharmacists on Wednesday (17/3).
For the first time in a while, Indonesia’s International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) held National Congress XXVI.
Pandemic has a tremendous effect on almost all parts of the world.
Commemorating the 75th Anniversary, the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing held an online Open Senate Meeting on Friday (5/3).
UGM Faculty of Dentistry commemorated its 73rd Anniversary on Friday (5/3) with an Open Senate Meeting as the celebration’s highlight.
A pandemic that still exists up to now has hindered all human activities and the target accomplishments.
The public can now take GeNose tests at UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing following the soft launching of GeNose Center, Monday (15/2).
Faculty of Law UGM commemorated its 75th Anniversary, Wednesday (17/2). In the Open Senate Meeting held online and offline, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Dr.
The UGM Faculty of Agriculture has harvested tilapia and officially inaugurated the Ornamental Fish Maintenance Unit at the Al-Muthiin Orphanage, Banguntapan Bantul, on Monday (8/2).