News Report
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has become a hot topic recently.
Harmoni Indonesia 2018 is an event to raise love of the nation and develop patriotism among young generation of Indonesia through singing.
As many as 42 researchers, lecturers, students and practitioners from various institutions in Indonesia join training related to cytogenetics, molecular genetics, and bioinformatics at Facu...
Not a few jihadists in Indonesia have disengaged themselves from value of violence and reintegrated with society.
Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Faculty of Biology has strengthened cooperation with Department of Life Sciences National Central University (NCU) Taiwan by establishing dual-degree graduat...
Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., has officially commenced the series of UGM’s 69th-anniversary celebration.
Antarctica is known as the world’s coldest remote continent, consisting mostly of frozen ground.
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM has received the new building of their graduate school worth 110 billion from Tahir Foundation.
In 2012, the number of cancer-related deaths worldwide has reached 8.2 million people.
Ethics Teacher’s Training Course (ETTC) is officially launched on Monday (7/30) at the seminar room of UGM Graduate School.
Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM held an International Summer Course themed Traditional Food for Agro-Biodiversity, Health and Tourism” from July 23-29, 2018.
A team of UGM student community service program in collaboration with Tegal Reptile Community (KORAL) have organized a presentation of various reptiles on Saturday (7/28), at Semedo Nationa...
Nature enthusiast students of UGM Forestry’s Mapala Silvagama held a ceremony to dispatch the team of Mapala Silvagama 50 National Park Expeditions on Tuesday (7/24) at the faculty&rs...
Universitas Gadjah Mada has established cooperation with Hindu University of Indonesia (UNHI) in education, research, and community service.
UGM has lost two of its best sons, Prof. Dr.
UGM acts swiftly by activating the Disaster Response Unit UGM (DERU-UGM) team at the locations affected by tectonic earthquakes in West Nusa Tenggara on Sunday (29/7).
Director of Tourism Industry and Institution from Borobudur Temple authorities, Bisma Jatmika Tisnasasmita, S.T., M.M., said the government targeted to reach 2 million of international visi...
As many as 28 students from 12 countries join Summer Course on Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR) hosted by Faculty of Geography UGM from 29 July – 10 August.
As many as 269 researchers and academics from around Indonesia gathered at UGM to announce their research outcomes during the 15th National Seminar on Fishery and Marine Outcomes 2108 at Fa...
Five mass media have received Anugerah Fortakgama Award from Universitas Gadjah Mada on Friday (7/27) at Sutan Raja Hotel in Soreang, Bandu...
A number of bikes which bear the name of Boseh are seen on a corner of the Cibeunying park in Bandung city, West Java.
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM held a National Dialogue on Saturday (7/28) in the Auditorium.
The landscape of Margamukti Village in Pangalengan, Bandung Regency, is characterized by the vast tea plantation as a livelihood source for local residents since the Dutch Occupation.
UGM has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indonesian Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) at Conference room of UGM Central Building on Friday (7/27).
Faculty of Biology UGM and Research and Development of Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine Center (B2P2TOOT) in Tawangmangu have strengthened collaboration in research of medicinal pl...
This year Vocational School of UGM celebrates its 9th Anniversary themed “Synergy of SV UGM Teaching industry in Facing 4.0 Industrial Revolution”.
UGM Centre for Occupational Security, Safety, Health, and Environment (PK4L) has once again established cooperation with Sleman Transportation Agency related to socialisation of traffic saf...
Tens of UGM students joining nature enthusiast group will be sent to Papua for 1 – 2 month stay in the isolated parts of the island.
As many as 29 administrators of Corps of Universitas Gadjah Mada Staff (KORPAGAMA) period 2017-2022 have been inaugurated by UGM Vice Rector for Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dr.
A total of 408 new students have been accepted to UGM through the written test score selection (Vocational School admission batch 2).