News Report
Since the release of Inpres (Presidential Directive) No. 18 Year 1998, KUD (Rural Unit Cooperative) is no longer the sole cooperative at the level of sub-district.
Gelanggang Mahasiwa Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is a mute witness of the movements of the students in Yogyakarta.
Engineering Career Center (ECC) at UGM’s Engineering Faculty is arranging an event called UGM Career Days on 14-16 August 2009 at Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM.
The Indonesian Language and Culture Learning Service (INCULS) at Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (GMU), was established in 2000 as a substitute of what was formerly kno...
At this moment, Gadjah Mada University has three boarding houses that function as the means to facilitate the welfare of GMU ‘s students, managed by the Sector of Student ‘s Wel...
GMU students come from various regions and levels or groups of society.
Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa, or The Language Training Center, has been established by Gadjah Mada University in recognition of the importance of foreign languages in the work and career aspirati...
Location and Function Agricultural Training, Research and Development Station (KP4/ATRD) of Gadjah Mada University was established in 1975 sponsored by The Rockefeller Foundation.
BRIEF HISTORY The Gadjah Mada University Archives was established through the Rectorial decree No.
Computer network Optic fiber network facility that has included all faculties and work units in UGM.
Location and Function University of Gadjah Mada has two library units: Unit I library is located in Tri Darma street, at the south of UGM Central Office, Bulaksumur.
In 2007, UGM declared its vision to be a World Class Research University, which is oriented toward meeting the needs of nation, based on Pancasila (The Five Basic Principles of the Republic...
The Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University established a doctoral program in 1950 and graduate program in 1980.
Visi UGM ialah “Menjadi universitas riset kelas dunia yang unggul, mandiri, bermartabat, dan dijiwai Pancasila mengabdi kepada kepentingan dan kemakmuran bangsaâ€.
FACULTIES UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE DOCTORATE AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY Agriculture Engineering Food & Agricultural Product Technology Agro-Industrial Technology Agriculture Engineering Food...
According to Law no. 2 year 1989 about National Educational System; Governmental Regulation no.
Saya Alumni UGM, video yang menggambarkan beberapa profil alumni UGM.
UGM menjadi tuan rumah ASEAN Graduate Business and Economics Program ke-13.
Dekan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi UGM, Dr. Erwan Sugiatno, drg., M.S., Sp.Pros(K), melantik 56 dokter gigi baru, Selasa (26/3) di Auditorium R.M.
UGM News Edisi 4 : UGM Pelopori Gerakan Irigasi Bersih di Bantul.
Vision : To be a World Class Research University which is excellent, independent, dignified, inspired by Pancasila, the five-point ideology, and dedicated to the needs and welfare of the na...
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is the oldest and the largest state university in Indonesia.
Salah satu karya menarik dari Etty Indriati adalah komiknya yang berjudul Warisan Budaya dan Manusia Purba Indonesia Sangiran.
Profil Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Video I Like Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Pengukuhan Guru Besar Termuda UGM : Prof. Agung Endro.
Masterplan Percepatan dan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI) merupakan langkah awal untuk mendorong Indonesia menjadi negara maju dan termasuk 10 (sepuluh) negara besar di duni...
Siapa bilang yang kurang mampu tidak bisa kuliah di UGM?
Siapa bilang Program Studi Kedoktertan Umum Hanya untuk orang yang berduit?
Video Profile penerima bidikmisi ini sengaja di buat...
Saat ini ilmu kedokteran hewan semakin berkembang. Cakupan bidang yang harus ditangani tidak lagi terbatas pada hewan kesayangan (small-animal pets), unggas maupun ternak hewan besar, namun...
Since the beginning of our existance, we have tried to manipulate the immediate physical space around us in which we live in for our life necessities.