News Report
The number of hotels and inns being sold online as affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has caught the attention of UGM Center for Tourism Studies (Puspar) researcher Prof. Baiquni.
It is advisable for patients who have confirmed positive for Covid-19 to carry out self-isolation at home to prevent the virus transmission.
Since obtaining a distribution permit on 24 December 2020, the UGM Covid-19 detector, GeNose, is now operating in several locations.
Revision efforts regarding the current election law provoked some controversy.
As a UGM epidemiology expert, Bayu Satria mentioned that monitoring and establishing tracing, testing, and treatment (3T) are requirements to successfully run mobility limitation or stiffen...
Lecturer of Agrarian Law, Faculty of Law UGM, Dr. Rikardo Simarmata, welcomed the regulation of land certificate digitalization launched by the government.
UGM researcher has succeeded in cultivating a superior variety of longan fruit, namely Sleman Longan Super.
An amount of 448 new UGM officials was officially inaugurated on Tuesday (2/2).
GeNose C-19 was used as an alternative to check health conditions as a requirement for passengers with long-distance train trips at Tugu Station, Yogyakarta, on Wednesday (3/2).
The Faculty of Geography reorganized an annual Olympic event called OLGENAS International Geolympiad 2021 for junior high and high school students.
Disaster Response Unit (DERU) UGM and Kagama (alumni association) Disaster Task Force provided logistic assistance to handle floods in South Kalimantan, earthquakes in West Sulawesi, and la...
UGM Covid-19 screening tool, GeNose C19, has now been increasing demand and being a viral discussion among the public from time to time.
UGM epidemiologist dr. Citra Indriani, MPH. said the enforcement of public activity restrictions during the Covid-19 pandemic needed to be stricter and consistent.
Throughout the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the government gave appreciation to several UGM researcher’s innovation findings of medical devices.
UGM Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, along with the Center for Digital Society (CfDS) and Forbil Institute, conducted a series of Digital Intelligence Lectures for 1,800 students.
Microbiologist at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing UGM, Prof. dr.
There is a significant increase in Covid-19 cases in Indonesia from time to time.
There are three diagnostic tests available for the public to detect Covid-19, namely PCR, rapid antigen, and rapid antibody.
The total cases of coronavirus infection in Indonesia have passed one million, making Indonesia the first country in Southeast Asia to reach this number.
The theme “Educational Tourism in Yogyakarta: Between Expectations and Reality” became an interesting theme as the series #7 agenda organized by the Masters / Doctoral Study Pro...
Universitas Gadjah Mada is back on top of Indonesia’s university ranking list released by Webometrics in January 2021.
UGM ASEAN Studies Center Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, in collaboration with the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (ASEAN-IPR), organized a Focus Group Discussion ent...
Two units at UGM, Gama Inatek (University CoE of Technological Innovation for Disaster Mitigation) and Pusat Studi Sosial Asia Tenggara/PSSAT (Center for Southeast Asian Social Studies), ar...
Universitas Gadjah Mada is in mourning. One of its best professors, Prof. dr.
The minister of education officially opened the registration of freshman candidates for State Higher Education Entrance National Selection (SNMPTN) on January 4, 2021.
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK), in collaboration with the Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, and One Health Coordinator Center (OHCC), organized an online ...
dr. Bayu Satria Wiratama, MPH., as UGM epidemiologist, appraised the government’s policy to extend the period of Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Java and Bali...
The UGM Photography Unit (UFO) organized a Virtual Photography Exhibition for UFO Force 27 entitled “Harsa”.
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the Christian Family of Universitas Gadjah Mada (Kakrisgama) continues to hold a Christmas celebration together.
The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) collaborates with UGM researchers to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to monitor toll road damage all over Indonesia.